🦋chapter 11🦋

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Today the pack was on baby sitting duty with Bella and no-one wanted to be near her. Sam didn't even bother trying as he got a bunch of no's from each and every member of the Pack. Jake had the task of getting her and he was not a happy bunny. Lori and Claire were playing in the yard whilst the pack was eating.

Jake howled in signal he was arriving and Lori picked up Claire

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Jake howled in signal he was arriving and Lori picked up Claire. Bella showed her face and glared at the two kids," Hey watch it asshole,Claire don't you dare repeat that word!" Lori said whislt realising she was holding a two year old in her arms. Sam came running out to his sisters shouting" Hey Lori calm down! We'll deal with her today you, Claire Quil and jake can go to the beach." Sam tell her and Lori nods in thanks and the four heads off to the beach for the day.

The rest of the pack joins them without Bella as Sam made Paul take her back to Charlie." Mattheo picks up Lori surprising her and the duo began to run and mess around. The pack were officially off duty and decided to have fun. The cullens weren't even bothering with Bella anymore but they too are doing it for Charlie swan.The newborn army was fast approaching and the cullens and the pack had to work together to destroy the army.
Chapter eleven is done and sorry its short. I'm thinking that seth and lori goes on patrol and they bumps into bree and he imprints on her then and there and Seth takes bree to the cullens household to help her get on the animal diet quicker. How do we feel about that?

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