Chapter 8- the introducement

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"Joel- watch out!" Ellie shouted in panic.

Suddenly as Joel tried to get back onto his feet, a runner launched at him trying to attack. He tried to push it back off him making sure he wouldn't get bitten. It's head gets sliced and rolls to the floor.

"Get off your ass and onto your feet," commanded a man lending Joel his hand. Joel took his hand in confusion.

"Wha-," he muttered before running from more infected. I was running behind the man and in-front of Ellie while Joel caught up. We had to squeeze between vehicles, and quickly.

"Alright. This way. Keep up," ordered the man whom I assumed was Bill- it must've been.

"Oh, shit," cursed Joel.

"Oh, fuck," replied Ellie.

"Ah, goddammit. Back! Get back!" Yelled Bill as he shot the infected which were now climbing. Me, Ellie and Joel ran in the opposite direction knowing that Bill would eventually catch up.

"Which way?" Joel gasped. I look around.

"Alright- we'll ah... we'll cut through. C'mon- here!" I point out as I show them a trial we could use. Joel sprints going first, Ellie behind him and me behind her. We take a left turn and keep running. Ellie was starting to fall behind.

"Run, Ellie!" Commands Joel, his eyes still focused on the route we took.

"Oh. Goddamn," I hear Bill shriek.

"I'm going," Ellie groans.

"Where's that goddamn key?" Whined Bill. I turned around and noticed him behind us.

"Guys- behind us!" I screeched. Bill must've led more infected to us. Everyone turned and noticed the infected apart from Bill who still had his eyes on the door trying different keys. Though he seemed to get the idea that we were still being chased.

"Bill, come on!" Yelled Joel pulling out a bow and shooting them. He was anxious yet impatient.

After a few seconds of Joel shooting, the door finally burst open and me, Bill and Ellie rushed inside while Joel still continued to shoot for a little while longer.

"Doors open. Get your ass in here," commanded Bill to Joel. Joel quickly agreed and ran hurried inside.

"Shit," muttered Joel.

"Don't slow down. This place ain't secure," Bill warned.

"Bill, they're coming through the door!" Interrupted Joel.

"Fuckin' knew it. Take 'em out. That's our only way through," replied Bill as a clicker entered slamming into a few walls.

"Y/N, stay back! Stay back!" Warned Joel as the clicker started approaching me. Luckily, they're blind. Unfortunately, they have good hearing. I crept towards Joel and Ellie. Bill stabbed the clicker as it let out its final screech before dropping to the floor lifeless. Joel and Bill did the attacking as me and Ellie mostly did our best to crawl away and help whenever we could.

"Alright, come on- we're almost there. Follow me," said Bill as his voice slowly trailed off. We all ran to Bill before the infected started jumping out on us again.

"Oh, shit," muttered Joel under his breath.

"Goddammit, they're coming over!" Shrieked Bill. The infected were now towering their way over the barbed wire.

"Cmon!" Added Bill as he ran through a truck. "They're gettin' through! Keep going. This way- through the truck!" We all followed him running for our lives. The clicking and destroyed shrieks were only getting louder.

"Move, Ellie! Move!" I heard but wasn't able to make out who's voice it was. Either Bill's or Joel's.

"I'm going. I'm going!" Replied Ellie running towards them. We had been running for awhile now and I was starting to run out of breath.

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