Dried Out

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On the next day at work one of my co-workers told me that the police found the man who destroyed the fun fair this morning. He was found at the Central Park, totally beaten up but there wasn't any sign of Hell's Kitchen's devil. The man was put into jail by now so he wouldn't be able to harm anyone.

At midday I got a call from Foggy. He told me that Matt didn't show up at work again but I wasn't at home so I couldn't check on him. I told him that I'd look after Matt as soon as I get home.

In the evening I walked home from work. I could have taken the subway but usually I preferred walking. While walking I wrote my mum a message saying that everything is great here and that I already have a job.

As I arrived at home I walked upstairs and knocked on Matt's door. A minute later he opened the door. He had a some scars again which seemed to be quite fresh. I asked him what happened this time and sighed. He told me he would have fallen down again. Surely I didn't believe him and I wanted to know what's going on but it's his life not mine - means this also isn't my business.

After talking with Matt I walked in my flat. Before going to bed I wanted to take a shower so I made my way to the bathroom and put off my clothes. I took a towel out of a cupboard and put it on the floor in front of my shower so I wouldn't make everything wet after showering. Then I stepped in the shower and turned on the water - but it didn't work.

"Great." I sighed and got out of the shower. I picked up the towel from the floor and wrapped it around my body. Afterwards I checked the water pipes and the faucet but I never worked on anything like that so I didn't know which part didn't work.

I put my clothes back on and walked in the living room. There I picked up the lease contract and took my phone out of my pocket. I dialed the number of the lessor and waited. It rang twice and then he picked up, asking with an unfriendly undertone why I'd call that late at night. Logically I stayed friendly - even though I would have loved to tell him that he could be friendlier - and explained my situation to him. It was quiet for a moment and the only thing that was possible to hear from the other line was that he was chewing something.

That's exactly how I imagined my lessor. I imagined him as an old fat man who has a half-bald head and a mustache. A man who is pale and only sits in front of the TV the whole day while eating chicken wings and who is unfriendly just because he's old and tired.

He told me that he would send over a craftsman in a week - or probably two, or three weeks. All in one, this was just as helpful as if he wouldn't have picked up at all. Should I go outside every evening now and hope it starts raining so I get to shower? I wouldn't have minded if my TV wouldn't work or anything like that but I need a shower. I thought about asking Matthew if I could use his shower but it was late already and I didn't want to disturb him again so I decided to go to bed for now. I still could ask him tomorrow.

It was weekend by now and Matt was okay with it that I use his shower for a while. One evening after I took a shower I just put on my cothes again as I heard the door to Matt's flat opening and then closing again. Afterwards Matt talked to the person but I couldn't quite figure out who's voice it was.

I quickly pulled my wet hair up in a bun and walked out of the bathroom, in the living room where I saw Foggy. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" He asked and I wanted to answer but he stopped me because he continued talking.

"Oh right, Matt told me your shower doesn't work. Whatever, I just convinced Matt to go out with Karen and me tonight. Would you like to come with us?"

"Sure. I'll be done in ten minutes." I agreed and Foggy nodded. Then I jogged back in my flat and in the bathroom where I blow dried my hair. I never put much effort in styling and today I wasn't motivated at all so I didn't put on any make-up. After my hair was dry I quickly changed clothes and walked out of my flat where Matt and Foggy were waiting already.

Some time later we arrive at a small bar and walked to a table where we sat down. There was a young woman sitting with us - must have been Karen. After introducing ourselves to each other all of us ordered something to drink and we spent the night with drinking and talking. Our conversation mostly contained on any joke about anything. It was quite relaxing even though we might have drank a bit too much because the more we drank the better our mood got.

Anytime Matt said he wants to leave and got up, so I got up as well because I definitely wouldn't let a blind man who's drunk walk home all alone.

We said bye to Foggy and Karen and then we left the bar. While walking home I tried my best on not stumbling and falling down because I got quite clumsy when I drank too much.

After a while we arrived the apartment building and walked upstairs to our flats. We stopped in front our doors.

"Goodnight, Jade." Matt smiled while standing quite close to me.

"Goodnight." I replied while Matt leaned a bit closer to me and my heart started beating faster.

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