chapter eleven | act my age

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chapter eleven

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chapter eleven

act my age

That night I found myself sitting outside the Murder Block, perched on the hood of the same car I had smashed the windows out of. The car was a relic, and it had been parked in that same sot longer than I had been alive. If it was possible for plants to grow out of Murder Block soil, they'd be growing through the seats of the old Hyundai.

It was quiet outside, a rarity past ten pm on a weeknight. It was likely there was something big going down at one of the schools. I had heard whisperings about a showdown between Sato and Katsunari, so it was possible that tensions had finally come to a boil between the two.

I liked the quiet, for it gave me time to think, to ruminate on what my life had become.

My day at Oya had been interesting, to say the least. While on my tour with Yasushi, I witnessed three fights, a part-timer and his girlfriend having sex in an unused classroom and the potential end of the friendship between Shibaman and Tsuji after they came back from wherever the fuck Midori Yamada had sent them and began screaming in each other's faces.

From what I had gathered, Shibaman had gotten Tsuji's sister Shizuka pregnant, and Tsuji wasn't even aware that the two had been in a relationship.

It was almost enough to make me not want to go back to Oya.

But the people weren't nearly as bad as I thought they would be. Fujio was the life of the party, and he was always quick to offer some sort of comedic relief. Nakaoka pretended to be down to earth, but he had dreams bigger than his tiny body.

And Tsukasa motherfucking Takajo. I could fall in love with him without even trying. Everything about him was just so...perfect. He could make me feel at ease next to him just by being there.

"What are you doing out here so late at night?"

Speak of the devil.

Tsukasa Takajo emerged from the cover of darkness ( okay, the shadows of the first floor awning on the Ghost Block ), golden hair shining in the moonlight, to take a seat next to me on the old car.

"I could say the same about you." My heart was pounding out of my chest at how close he was, and I was still shocked that I could form complete and coherent sentences.

Tsukasa laughed, throwing his head back. "You'll see in about ten minutes." He nodded at my sweater. "So, Lando Norris. I would have thought Max Verstappen was more your type."

I flushed red in the half darkness, looking down at the blue sweater I was wearing, sleeves pulled tight over my hands, one earbud stuffed down the collar while I listened to music with the other one.

"You serious? Max Verstappen has the most punchable face in the history of motorsport. Nah, Lewis Hamilton is my be all and end all. Norris is cute though, and that's a major part of the reason that I like him. You watch Formula 1?"

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