What if?

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Mood 🎧 LUKAS GRAHAM - 7 years

"It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger
Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker"

"Something about the glory, just always seemed to bore me
'Cause only those I really love will ever really know me"

i'm extremely in my feels today- this song ALWAYS breaks me no matter what - i actually cried throughout writing this, don't ask me why - especially the end - my emotions are all over the place 😊

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There was not a single second of his mere, bitter life in which he did not love you.

Not even when you were children and the spark in your eyes lit up when Naruto was making one of his stupid jokes, intoxicating laugh boosting his ego. Or when you two sparred with chopsticks over the bowls of ramen over at Ichiraku's. Sasuke believed to be completely incapable of maintaining a conversation with you for more than a minute. You were pulled into Naruto's boisterous orbit while he stood behind watching and waiting. He could only hope that one day your eyes will lit up for him the way they did for the Nine-Tailed Fox boy. Watching from the rooftops how you would playfully wrap your arm around Shikamaru's, your childhood best friend, placing a quick peck on his cheek that had the boy flustered beyond reality.

That is how he found himself plagued by a simple question: What if?

Not even when the Kusanagi was aimed at your throat, trying to cut the only bond strong enough to pull him back, Sasuke did not stop loving you. It was absolutely abysmal how small droplets of blood trickled down your neck, not a single tear staining your beautiful, smooth skin, vividly remembering those piercing eyes flash with determination.

When he left to find Orochimaru was the day when he also found out that your heart ached for him. Not for Naruto. Not for Shikamaru. Not for other stupid boys he deemed unworthy of your attention. It has always been him. Arms wrapped around him, your head resting into the crook of his neck, pleading. YOU pleaded for HIM to stay.

That is the first time Sasuke believed he had failed you.

He was never going to be able to fulfill your wishes, to offer you the life you truly deserved.

The question still stood: What if?

You loved him with such fervor it was astonishing. If he could ever touch your love, the skin would scorch as if trying to get closer to the sun.

"Come home." your sweet, pleading voice tickled his dark heart, the faint broken tonality causing ripples in his soul. "Come back to me."

Those were the words that had his soul snap violently, tiny cracks breaking the hardened surface. You were the only person capable of reaching him so painfully deep. Naruto could not raise his gaze from the ground because he knew, he knew Sasuke would never be able to come home until the dust settles. Sakura finally realizing, right there and then, that he will never be hers because you were his lifeline. Even Sai that had the emotional range of one of Orochimaru's snakes could feel the agony. Yamato stood behind you, ready to protect your life no matter how much it hurt.

"I can't." Sasuke replied coldly, harshly, full of hate, playing the well rehearsed act of not caring. "Not until it's done."

His heart was booming into the ears, waves of pain washing over him as the famous Uchiha dark gaze traced your powerful form. God, you were a gorgeous girl! The way you held yourself, the slightly raised chin in defiance, the ability to look more like an Uchiha than he did.

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