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The pack doctor comes in.
"How are you feeling, Athena?"
"I don't feel too great, I already took a home test, there's no need for you to be here."
"What did the home test say?"
"It was negative."
"Well, unfortunately I need to do a test myself. Too many pregnant Breeders lie hoping it will make things change." He sticks my arm with a needle drawing blood. He sticks the tube in a machine. Stupid wolf tech, I can't even hide it. After about 5 minutes of uncomfortable silence he breaks it by clearing his throat. "Well, Athena, Congratulations, you're pregnant."
"How long until I find out how many there are?"
"About 5 more weeks. I'll see you then and we will just do a routine ultrasound. Sound good?" I nod pissed I'm not going to sit and wait for five weeks, I can't stay here to just get bred and pop out pups until I die because my body gives out. The doctor leaves a sad smile on his face. There's something the others know.
A few hours pass and Kaden comes to my little cottage, a bag in hand.
"Athena, I heard what happened, I think you need to get out of here." I notice him glancing around.
"Well, I agree I need to leave, but where would I go?"
"With me to Poulsbo."
"Where's that? Is there another pack there?"
"It's a small town in Washington, it belongs to the Rogues, from what I understand they all protect each other, I know you're not my mate, but I'm not going to stand around and watch you be tormented like my mother."
"How will I get there? I dont have any skills or money." He hands me the backpack.
"Now you have money, just go, trust me it's safer that way."
"What about you Kaden?"
"I'm going with you, I hate this pack." I notice all the alarms are off. "Mason is helping you escape, we have to go before Connor notices." We run out the back door into the forest where Kaden shifts into his wolf form. I shift for the first time in over a week. I can hear EVERYTHING. I look over to Kaden grabbing the bag in my jaws, the black void staring back at me with two glowing blue eyes.
Let's ditch this pop stand.
I'm right behind you, Luna
Wait, Luna, what? I start running North from the redwood forest until I hit the border where it becomes Rogue territory.
I, Athena Lillian King, denounce my rank and status in the Crescent Walkers pack and declare myself and my pups Rogue. I think as I step across the border feeling the flow of thoughts transition from my old pack to the Rogues, noticing its comfortably quiet. Not another wolf in sight, except Kaden, but I can't hear or communicate with him. I nod my head at him as he steps across the border as well.
This is nice. Off we go.
How long of a run do we have?
About 2 days, you won't be able to run as long in your condition.
We run for 6 hours straight before I accept the opportunity to rest we've made it all the way to Redding, not bad considering we started in Paradise. Kaden and I shift back changing back into clothes we had grabbed. I pull on the flannel with my black leggings.
"Want some food?"
"Please, I'm absolutely starving." I drag out the word as we walk into a diner.
"Of course, Baby, it's a perfect time to stop." He smiles. I know it's all an act so people won't question anything. We get seated in a booth and I start looking over the menu. Noting they stopped serving Breakfast at 11 this morning. I look through the lunch menu and nothing looks good except the pancake Breakfast.
"Ugh, I really want pancakes, but I don't think I can get them, honey."
"Well if you ask nicely they might make an exception."
"What can I get for you two?" I look to Kaden so he can order first.
"Can I get a cheeseburger please?"
"Absolutely, and for you hun?"
"I know it's passed Breakfast time but is there anyway I could get a pancake Breakfast please?"
"I'll ask the chef, he might not say yes unless you got a good reason though."
"I'm just really craving pancakes." I smile a little. She nods and goes back to the kitchen. She comes back a few minutes later and hands us each a glass of water.
"The chef said yes, so everything will be out soon."
"Thank you so much."

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