Hey guys, it my first fanfic so be warned it going to be awful, this fanfic is me procrastinating. its all about how i think Stef and Ash "becoming stashley" i hope you enjoy :)
I told Dru i'd stop it but i cant everything bulids up inside me and i need to let it out and its the only way.Im Stef im in a band, well okay lots of bands but at the minute in a band with the best friend Dru and my other best friend ashley is our main biggest fan.ASH ASH ASH why is that all i can think about at the moment, its wrong ive always be straight not that im against gays, i dont no whats happening to me.
I can hear stef looking through all the cuboards trying to find them, but ive got them i needed to take themm he cant carry on i will kill him in the end and i dont know what i would do without him. "stef" let me in, i know what your looking for but you wont be able to find them because ive got them. So just come out and we will talk okay?
Dru knows what im doing how am i going to face him again? Stef get yourself together surely he cant know how can he your just worry over nothing...