Chapter 1: How dare he!

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AN: Hello, this is my first story and so sorry if it is a bit shit but I will try to get better! So please put feedback in the comments or whatever an help me learn!!!!!!

Over and out!

Amelia's POV:

My eyelids flutter open as the first few beams of light penetrate my room, I stretch and climb out of my four poster bed and glance around my room; I have my wall of photos, every memory of my life is on that wall and so it means so much, I pick up my polaroid camera, I was the first in my class's to get one and now naturally the whole school decides to get one! I look through the small viewfinder and point it at my cat who is a small ginger Tom, she was curled up on the foot of my bed and I listened to the shutter click as I snapped a picture of my small feline friend, who's name is Lotty, she wakes up and looks at me with her disinterested eyes and instantly falls asleep again, lazy sod!

I then carried on getting ready, I pulled on some high-waisted, pale blue jeans, white lace crop top and my white Nike Air max. I brushed my hair through and left it down but put a small purple bow in. I smiled at myself, and left my room. i walked down the dark oak staircase that opened out into the kitchen where I made myself breakfast.

I left for my school soon after so I wouldn't be caught in the hallway rush, it was raining outside and I could hear the rain pattering on my umbrella, however a huge land rover drive through a puddle getting the bottom half of my jeans soaked! What a great way to start the day!! I stroll casually through the front doors and signed in at the office, my first lesson of the week was English, I enjoy English a lot because it is the only subject that you can properly show your creativity! I saw two of my loyal, best friends: Lauren and Florence, Lauren has lightish brown hair that comes just past her shoulders and pale greeny-brown eyes and black frame glasses, Flo has a blonde mousey colour hair and greeny-blue eyes. They were sitting on the tables waiting for everyone else to arrive. I announce my presence as I enter the room with a small clear of the throat, they leap up out of their seats and hug me, we had just come back from Easter holidays (spring break for you Americans I think!) and I had barely seen them at all, as much as I hate school, these two make my time worth while!!! We began to to all about what we got upto when the teacher walked in and so we all had to head to our proper seats.

And so the day began like any other.

After we had lunch we met up with each other and took off towards the music block science we were all talented at music and so often found ourselves mucking about and learning new instruments! I began playing one of the new top 10 songs from the charts ( :/ ) on the piano whilst Flo was on the flute and Lauren was singing, I was very jealous of their talent but I guess we all have our own strengths!

We were in the queue to the lunch hall when I saw boyfriend...... Ricky..... With another girl...kissing...that son of a gun!!! I walked over to him, tapped him on the shoulder when he turned I punched him square on the nose and heard a small crunch! I never knew I was THAT strong! I had managed to keep it together for this long but the hurt I felt in my heart was too much, i ran before the tears threatened to spill over my eyes. I thought we were perfect together! Apparently not! I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in one of the stools, I hard could hear Lauren trying to comfort me but it was worthless, my life was over, it was ruined! I had never faced a proper break up like this before, all the other boys were just a one off and so I could break up with them like cutting a slice of cake! However this was different, we had been going out for 2 whole months now! That is the longest I have ever kept a boy so far, no I am not a slut I am just trying to find my perfect match!

I heard Lauren sigh outside the door,

"you need to come out there soon, lunch is almost over! There are plenty more fish in the sea Amelia. He is not worth crying over!l Flo begged after she realinsed Lauren had given up hope.

"there is no hope left ine anymore, I might as well curl up here and just get swallowed up, everyone will know and laugh at me!" I moan back, rubbig my eyes which were probably already puffy and red.

"No. We will go out there together and ignore any looks we get and we will march straight to the classroom!" Flo shouted at me. That got my attention no one had really stood up to me in that sort of way before but I didn't mind.

"Let's go!!" Lauren exclaimed happily!

i led the way out of the bathroom and walked briskly down the hall, my head up straight, and I had the two most important people to me by met side.

No one will ruin my day.

I know that there has been no mention of the Yogscast BUT wait my children for they shall appear soon!!! Also this is not how I am in really life I is purely a made up character!!! Thanks bye! Bye


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