Chapter 2: This is bad!

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Amelia's POV:

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly after the kerfuffle at lunch, Ricky did try to approach me a few times but I just carried on walking. I ignored the smirks, I ignored the name calling, I just carried on. It wasn't like that for most of the rest of the day, until it was home time! Thank god!! I don't think I could have lasted much longer in that hellhole of a school, I began to walk home, my head looking down at my phone not paying attention to my surroundings. I began to walk out onto the road when a firm grasp pulled me back onto the pavement, the car horns blasted away angrily at me ate the driver recovered from almost driving into me. I looked up at my saviour to see who it was, a pair of gorgeous blue eyes and a lush ginger brown hair.

"Umm thanks for ... Saving my life I guess!" I stutter, my heart racing partially at being almost killed and also being saved by a very handsome man!

"No problem, but maybe you should be a bit more careful! Anyway my name is Alex, Alex Smith!" he laughed, his laugh was like music to my ears!

"oh well my name is Amelia, I go to the school just up the road, are you new here? I haven't seen you before!"

"Umm lived in Bristol a few moths ago but I have just moved here in Bath a few weeks back and so I am just settling in." he smiled kindly at me his eyes creasing at the side slightly.

"Well thanks again for saving me! I better be off though, nice meeting you!" I say awkwardly scratching the back of my neck, I am never usually this socially awkward!

"Hahaha yeah and you too, I will see you around Amelia!" He laughs again, making my heart melt slightly.

I wave him goodbye but he went for a hug so we ended up with me high-fiving him in the face and him with his arm awkardly around me. after we separated we laughed awkwardly and said our goodbyes....again but before I left I looked before setting out across the road this time, all the way home I couldn't stop thinking about Alex.

I walked up my drive and I could already tell something was wrong, I paused before reaching into my skirts pocket for my house keys, I could hear my parents shouting at each other.

I know parents argue but this is the worst that I have ever heard them, if I hadn't been wrapped up in my thoughts I probably would have heard them as I walked up the street. I debated with myself on whether I should see if I could stay at Flo's house but even if I did I would have to get my school books for tomorrow. I carefully opened the door trying not to make it squeak.

"WE WILL HAVE TO TELL HER EVENTU....." I heard my dad stop midway through the sentence, god damn his amazing hearing!

"Hey honey, how was school today?" my mum asked sweetly, it creeped me out how they both could change their voices when they saw me.

"What was that all about?" I question, just ignoringy mothers previous one.

"Oh nothing sweetheart! Just your mum and dad havig a little disagreement! We will work it out soon." she said looking at my dad as if to say, shut the hell up, she smiled at me and I just shrugged it off an headed towards my room.

After doing my homework from that day, I headed downstairs for dinner.

the first thing I noticed was when my mum turned around, she had a pinky, swollen eye. This had NEVER happened before. I looked from my mum to my dad and back to my mum who was trying to cover it with her chestnut brown hair.

"What happened?" I questioned her, already knowin the answer but just praying that it wasn't true.

"Oh I just slipped and hit it on the side! Silly old me!! Hahaha..." She tried to laughing of but winced at the pain it caused her.

"No mum. What really happened?" I stepped closer to her so I was out of my fathers earshot, "was this him?"

She nodded slightly, looking down at her feet.

"Well I guess you father may have been right when he told me to tell you, but better late than never. Amelia. We are in a big situation at the moment, your father is not earning enough money to keep on top of this place and so we need to try to sort some things out with the bill payer and those sort of things but. I promise we will manage to sort it out in the end." she stated sadly, with a smile but her eyes drained of happiness, I never noticed how dull the colour of mum's eyes had become over the past few years, but you could the there was little joy left in them.

I had my dinner at the table with my parents like we do every night but there was an unmissable silence that loomed over us, I trudged up the stairs, I was exhausted. I looked for my phone which I had left in my coat pocket when I got home from school but underneath where the phone was a small slip of paper with a number on it said:

"My number: *insert phone number* ~ Alex Smith"

I entered it into my phone and saved it with a picture of a frog until I could get an actual picture of him.

i look at my clock then back to my phone trying to decide on whether to text him or not, it is as 11:30 so I came to the conclusion that he would most likely to be awake at this time.

Amelia: A Alex: AS (hehe ass)

A: hey this is Alex right? It is Amelia! :)

i waited for a few moments about to give up when my phone rummbled.

AS: yeah! Hello! How you doin'?

A: tired wbu?

AS: Bored af and tired! :/

A: lawL xD

And the convosation went on like this for 15 more minutes before he said,

AS: So do you wanna meet tomorrow at Starbucks? Other coffee shops are availible!!

A: sure is 5 ok?

AS: yep!

A: cool so it is a date!

A: wait not a date date but to know what I mean

AS: *facepalm* hahaha yeah XD

A: ok then see you tomorrow xD


I chuckled to myself as I plugged my phone into charge and got changed the. I crawled into bed. I think tomorrow will eve a lot better today.

Night Alex.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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