Part 8 - Battles and heartbreak

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Harry couldn't breathe, watching as you plummeted towards the stone ground. One moment you were behind him on the back, the next you were just-gone. He nearly crashed trying to stop, looking back to see you nowhere in sighed, you hadn't just fallen off, you were-gone. He went to tell Uma that but they heard Celia's scream, pink lightning shooting across the darkening sky. "Maleficent" Uma snapped, tumbling off the bike as she and Harry raced back towards the castle, seeing Mal's dragon form flying above, circling a particular spire where Uma could just barely make out the form of possessed Audrey and-oh holy shit!

"(Y/N)!" Harry screamed out your name, dropping his hook and rushing towards you as Maleficent dangled you over the edge after you tackled her, then she dropped you with a cruel laugh. You looked at him, tears in your eyes, screaming in pain as a bolt of lightning hit your chest; then your eyes closed, as if in sleep.

And you hit the ground with a sickening crack "(Y/N)!!!" Harry screamed again, losing his balance on the castle steps and crawling over to your limp body, sobbing as he pulled you into his arms. "no, no nononono (y/n) ye can't do this ta me, ye cant!" Harry cried out, holding you close, ear pressed to your chest, hoping for any sign of life.

Nothing, no beating of your heart, no rise of your chest-and-and. Harry pulled back, feeling something warm and wet on his hands and knees, scream-sobbing as he saw your blood all over him, pooling on the stone he was kneeling on, all coming from the back of your head. "no-please-(y/n) no" Harry cried out, holding you close as Maleficent laughed from above, holding Celia hostage as Mal tried to attack, doing her best not to hurt Celia.

So consumed by his sudden grief, Harry didn't notice as Mal and Uma attacked Maleficent, the sorceress suddenly overwhelmed by the daughter of Ursula, enough to where Mal had fully pulled back, staring wide-eyed as Uma flashed around as quick as lightning. It would strike, Uma would appear, attacking Maleficent, thunder would roar, and Uma would be gone.

Maleficent couldn't understand it, how had a puny nobody like Ursula's daughter gained this much power? Where had she gotten this magic to control the very skies above? Maleficent let out a couch as her stomach was kicked, sending her off the spire and towards the courtyard. She teleported just in time and tumbled safely into the grass.

She growled as she stood, Uma and Mal landing in front of her, both staring her down. Mal huffed, clutching the glowing ember in her grip, glancing down as it sparked and glowed, trying to...get to something it seemed. She glanced back at you, eyes widening as she saw Harry cradling your lifeless body, your eyes closed and face peaceful as if in sleep.

'oh gods, mom what did you do?' Mal thought, unable to rip her eyes away from the sorrowful scene. Harry sobbed over your body, face buried in your neck, your blood soaking into his skin and clothes. Maleficent took the opportunity of Mal's distraction and sent a powerful blast of magic at her, one that would've majorly hurt Mal if not for her quick reaction and counterattack with the ember.

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