Chapter 7

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Ok so I'm kinda lazy today so I'm gonna skip the rest of that, BC it's all a flash back anyway! So it won't matter!! Oh and the flashback was bout 2 months ago.


Megan POV

I walked into school still half asleep, I walked to my locker to see my Boobear Ashley. I smiled and hugged her. "Morning boo." I croaked, she hugged back and said morning back. Then her boyfriend walked up behind us and cut Into our hug, hugging her from behind. "Excuse me mate, may I cut in?" He said. I just chuckled at him. "Sure thing. Any clue where Har-" I was cut off by a pair of strong, tanned arms slipping around my waist. He chuckled, and kisses along where my jaw meets right under my earlobe, I smiled as his soft, chocolate brown curls tickled my neck. "Who?" He asked teasingly, knowing that it was him I was looking for. I giggled to myself and turn around to face him smiling. "Oh nobody babe." I smiled up at him. "I found him." He chuckled. "I think he found you." He hugged me tight. "And he's very happy about it." I smiled hugging back. He kisses me softly then went over to my locker and unlocked it. I looked at him shocked. "Harry, how do you know my code?" I questioned him because I'd never told him it. "I've watched you so many times I slowly learned it." I smiled "loverly." I muttered under my breath teasingly, I could hear Ashley and Niall over at her locker giggling and talking. They could possibly be the worlds cutest couple! I smiled to myself, then snapped back to reality when Harry ran one of his rather large hands over my arm over and over trying to catch my attention. "Meg? Babe? Megan? Meg? Babe? You ok?" He said repeatedly. "Yeah I'm fine. What are you doing with my books?" I asked him. "Well, I'm carrying them for you. I can't tell by the way your voice is still raspy that you're not completely awake." He said and smiled sweetly down at me. I could help but smile. "Awe, thanks babe." I rested my hand on his shoulder to hold my balance, then stood on my toes and kissed him softly.

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