Settling In

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Soft dirt crunched under wheels as Laura guided the truck to a stop. The cottage stood a lean two stories tall, cream-colored siding glowing in the thundering sunlight. Behind it, the smooth wave of the hillside ran beside the skyline, dipping and rising in what Bradley thought resembled a drawn-out sound wave. The two women stepped outside, breathing in the crisp air in inadvertent unison before stepping back to gather their things. Bradley hauled her suitcase up the stairs with relative ease, wheels clipping against worn cedar planks. She'd gotten used to packing light and had nailed down her wardrobe to eight perfectly-paired pieces that fit neatly into her carry-on bag with room to spare. Of course, the Morning Show valued talent, but punctuality was the secret ingredient to her infectious likability. No individual is valued more than someone who doesn't waste time.

Bradley turned, looking back towards the truck. She could make out Laura's arms moving in a sequence of sporadic motions, trying to unstrap her suitcase from its tangle of bungee cords.

"Do you need any help?" Bradley called out to a response of clattering noise.

"Nope. All good." Laura stepped into view, her monstrously sized bag spitting rocks in its wake as she dragged it toward the porch. She let out an airy laugh, her brow furrowing in subtle frustration. "I forgot how much I packed."

"Well, I might have to borrow some from you if I'm here long enough," Bradley said, flopping her wrists over the handle of her suitcase.

Laura reached the stairs, and Bradley hopped down, taking one of the bag's side handles as Laura bent toward the other. Laura smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other way."


Bradley swiped her feet against the welcome mat, stepping into the house with Laura close behind. The house, while appearing quite intimidating, had a distinctly homey air to it. Bunches of herbs and pressed flowers sat in hand-blown vases on a nearby accent table, while a collection of abstract oil paintings peppered the hallway leading into the living room. The cedar floors shone the dents and scratches of a few too many wiley dogs, and Bradley traced over a particularly grisley mark before turning to Laura with a warm smile.

"It's beautiful. Feels like the home I've always dreampt of."

Laura's face softened, the apples of her cheeks rising as she took Bradley's hand. "I'm glad you like it. Shall we set our things down?" She motioned to a spindly staircase just past the corner where white hallway met cream interior. Bradley nodded, and followed Laura's bootclicks up the steps, her mind pulsing in equal parts excitement and relief. We made it. For all that could've gone awry the two of them had merged paths and reached paradise relatively unscathed.

The room came into view as Bradley reached the top of the stairs, marveling at the vast turquoise landscape of slanted ceilings and skylights. Laura stood just ahead, light pouring over her head in a crown of white, glinting on errant flyaways as she turned to face Bradley.

"What do you think?"

"It's-" Bradley's mouth moved in awestruck circles. "Heaven."

Laura grinned, a chuckle escaping her while she parked her suitcase on a nearby ottoman. "It's definitely something. Took me two years to redesign - on and off of course - but it used to be two adjoining rooms, probably for kids. I just figured I needed a little more room to breathe."

"Clearly it worked out for you." Bradley fawned, "God, you're a carpenter too. What can't you do?"

Laura rolled her eyes in playful admittance, "Don't get me started. I did want to talk to you about something, though." She sat down on the bed, the duvet's wave-like pattern distorting under her weight. Bradley eyed her warily, her hands tightening their grip on her suitcase handle. Laura's gaze pierced into her. "When were you going to tell me about Cory?"

"What about him?" Bradley's arms dropped, palms open in defense. Could she know what happened? How could she? Cory wouldn't have told her himself, that's for sure.

"That he's moving to start production tomorrow before the studio's been set up properly. I mean, God, would it hurt him that much to have an ounce of patience?"

Bradley exhaled, sucking in a breath of much-needed air. "Oh! I just figured that it wouldn't be a problem. You know, with all the stuff you already have up here."

Laura tilted her head, her hands shifting restlessly along the duvet. "I know. It's just irritating, I mean, pre-recorded interviews, really? I just wish he'd give us a day to settle in and then we could get to work."

"I know, I know. But Covid's put a clock on everything, and I get him wanting to hit the ground running as fast as possible." She pursed her lips, "Even if it is annoying."

Laura smiled, "I'm just being selfish, I guess. One weekend would've been nice."

Her eyes darted to Bradley's in a puppy-dog plea, and Bradley deflated, abandoning her suitcase as she settled herself on the opposite side of the bed.

"We can still have a one-day weekend. My first segment isn't scheduled till 9 tomorrow."

Laura nodded, and Bradley shifted over, tracing a finger down her face. She inched closer, brushing Laura's lips, the subtle taste of her anger melting away in a flurry of warmth. Breaking the kiss, she pulled herself closer, burying her head in Laura's shoulder as she inhaled the sweet smell of lavender perfume on cotton. She felt a hand run through her hair, weaving in and out with the promise of companionship, cradling her until she melted away in a smooth, uninterrupted, river of love. Through the muffled sounds of breathing and heartbeats, Bradley inched her head up, lips resting on the graceful arc of Laura's collarbone.

"I love you." Her words were soft, yet felt deep in Laura's bones, moving through her in a sublime ripple while the corners of her mouth pushed up in a hopeless smile. Closing her eyes, the two lay still, Bradley's breathing synching up to Laura's. Laura inhaled, hands finding a comfortable resting spot in the crook of Bradley's neck. She was right, this is heaven. Leaning down, Laura laid a kiss on the top of Bradley's head. "I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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