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"The Newbies are so much.....Trouble. Look at them! How the ride on the School Horses, beign all loud and annoying....if they are so rich, why don't they take riding lessons somewhere else?"

Angora made herself and her Opinion about the three young Teenagers clear and loud. With that, she was annoying most of the other Horses, that were just enjoying the Sun on the Pasture.

"What makes you belive, they are rich? Our Owners, our Girls are rich....they are just three dumb Kids without any Ideas of how to deal with a Horse", Pepper said in a mean Voice. 

"The Boy told Bailey something about his Dad working in a high Position for some international i have to tell you more?" - Angora jumped on the Fence an looked Pepper in the Eyes. The wicked Cat smiled evil and nodded towards the Arena, where Dylan, Hera and Liana where riding on their School Horses, following Bailey and Aztec three Rounds riding in the Arena. 

"Don't judge a book by its Cover Angora, the Kids are new at Horseland, give them a Chance" - Shep and Teeny walked towards the Fence and of course the old Dog wanted to protect the three Newbies. 

"They arrive at Horseland and all the Attention is on them....even Zoe and Chloe are talking about these Newbies....i can't stand it much longer!" -  Chili joined the female Horse and along with Sunburst and Scarlet, the Group was talking about new Chances, new Views on Things and how hard it could be, to be the new Person at at strange Place. 

"....all of you once, long ago....have been the 'Newbie' here at Horseland....think about it", Shep said, while he was laying down on the Grass . 

"Shep is right - it's never easy to be the new one. Give them a Chance. You gave us one as well", Sunburst said and Scarlet  whinnied in agreement .

"What is LIfe without a bit drama....come on Pepper, we complain about the annoying Newbies somewhere else", Chili said, before he trotted away, followed by Pepper.

Sunburst, Scarlet, Shep, Teeny and Angora stayed behind, while the Cat was finding a comfy position on the Fence, the other Animals where looking at the Arena, where the KIds finished the last Round. 

The School Horses called out to Shep, that the Kids are doing okay and maybe he can join them some kind of Support Animals. 

"Oh yay let's help them. Are you coming too Angora?", Teeny said whith a cheerful Voice and Angora just hissed pissed off at Teeny and jumped down from the Fence, in the Search of an hiding Spot....far away from all this Madness.

"Wait for me Teeny!", Shep called out for the Pig and while the two Animals were running towards the Arena, Scarlet and Sunburst looked towards the Forest. 

"Did you hear that Scarlet?" - Sunburst looked confused toward the Forest.

"What do you mean Sunburst?" - Scarlet replied, not knowing what the free Spirit Horse was trying to tell her. 

"I....I don't's just a weird bad is coming towards Horseland....i should try to warn Misty and Secret.....sometimes if i call towards Secret, that they should be careful....she can hear me from far away distance" - Sunburst explained towards Scarlet.

And with that the Sunburst called out a Warning Call towards the Direction, where Misty was riding with Secret. In the Hope this weird Feeling was just a Feeling.

But this Call also reached the School Horses and Aztec. And they understood every single Word.

And some of them started to listen closer towards the Forest. And some of them were starting to get nervous....and scared. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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