Insult To Injury(Christopher)

369 10 4

im not dead dw i just haven't been thinking of anything fun?? Lately yk yk it just hasnt been coming to me but i have something so..
enjoy the only character i can write

It had been over a century. How many? He couldn't dare to remember how long ago it was, and Christopher would rather forget than remember anything on that day.

He always thought that death would be his ideal escape. To be free of people's judgement about how he acted, how he spoke, all of their cruel words. It wasn't his fault, it just happened too fast, he told himself.

He'd always feared doing the same thing over and over and over again, forced into an unbreakable cycle of repetition and suffering. And how he pitied himself knowing that his fear was starting to become true, wandering around this rotting mansion as it decays.

Someday, he wishes, that it rots itself to the point of destruction. Maybe then, he'll finally be free.

"Christopher Pierre. 1870-1895"
"A loving brother, cousin and uncle"
"His reflection always smiled at him"

crying this was so fun i love angst
berry signing out bc i have no idea what else to write for an end message lol

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