Chapter Twenty-Five - What Next?

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"I won't lie to you anymore." Kim turned to look at Chay. The silence in the room had been unbearable since his confession. Chay had curled up in a corner of the sofa, unable, it seemed to look at him, never mind speak. 

He waved the cell phone that had just rang. "One moment. You can hear this now." He walked to the door, entered the security code and Mr. Big entered. 

"Boss." Big glanced at the boy, automatically sensing the change in the room. "There is news."

"Just say it. Loudly." Kim spoke harshly. "Actually, Chay, if you wouldn't mind, come closer so if you have any questions, you can ask Big directly. I prefer him not to be in my space." Kim leaned against the wall; arms crossed. 

Mr. Big raised an eyebrow, eyes questioning. Kim gave a slight shake of his head, silently responding 'not now.' They both watched as Chay got up, quite listlessly and walked over. 

"What's the news, Mr. Big?" He took a deep breath. "I'm still processing the last bit I heard."

"Mr. Kinn and his bodyguard, Porsche were found alive, but in the process of recovery, both sustained gunshot wounds. They are in the hospital recovering." Mr. Big caught the boy as he collapsed, staring at Kim over his head. "Sir?"

"Give him to me, Big." Kim held out his arms, and Big easily transferred Chay over. "Are the wounds life threatening?"

"No, Sir. Porsche has a flesh wound on the side of his abdomen. He is in hospital because of dehydration and possible infection, stitches, that sort of thing. They did spend almost four days without proper food and water. Mr. Kinn was shot in his supraspinatus muscle just below the clavicle, or at least I think that's what it's called. It might be the subscapularis..." Mr. Big mused, "Anatomy lessons were a long time ago."

Chay moaned. "Who cares? They're alive. How can you DO this job, knowing you might die for someone else?" 

Mr. Big and Kim exchanged another glance. Kim sighed. "You may go. Thank you."

"I hate it." Chay was shaking in his arms, trembling as he carried him to the sofa. "I hate the fact that you're associated with the Mafia. I hate it that my brother is sucked into a life of crime now. And I especially hate that he got shot for no good reason!"

"Whoa! Porsche is not a criminal, at least not yet I don't think. Bodyguards are not sent out to do dirty jobs, like collect debts. They simply guard our bodies and keep us safe. I told you, I won't lie to you anymore, Chay. All you need to do is ask the right question. If I can answer it, I will."

The trembling had yet to subside. Kim was beginning to wonder if he was going into shock. He'd had experience with it. Tankhun used to have episodes... but he barely remembered them. He was so young then. What would he do? He couldn't let him go yet. It wasn't confirmed who the kidnappers were, or if it was, Mr. Big hadn't said. 

"Chay, I don't know how to comfort you. I'm sorry your brother was kidnapped with mine, but I'm also glad they were together. It's an awful thing to be kidnapped in the first place." He closed his eyes, memories flooding back. "I'm glad he wasn't alone, this time."

This was Kinn's third kidnapping. The first was with Tankhun and him, the second he was alone. He was just shy of his eighteenth birthday, and it was post coital. They set him up. Everyone KNEW it was Uncle Gun, but couldn't prove it, especially when their uncle shot the kidnapper right in front of Kinn. 

He sighed again, finally opening his eyes and taking a good look at Chay. He was a complete mess. Big silent tears rolled down his face. Huge wide eyes stared up at him. His lips were parted slightly, so he could breathe, since his nose dripped snot. Still, he was the cutest thing Kim had ever seen. 

Realization came slowly. It was the tears that made him tremble. He began to rock him slowly, making 'shhh' sounds as if he was a small child. "It's okay, love, it's alright. Everyone is just fine."

This seemed to make Chay mad as hell. He pushed out of Kim's arms. "It's not okay. It's not fine. What type of life did you have, growing up, that a kidnapping and gunshot wounds are normal? They're not normal everyday things!" His voice was getting louder and louder. "They're fucking scary!"

Snot and spittle were flying everywhere as Chay screamed, "The man I fucking love is hurting and takes danger for a god damn joke! My brother has been shot and you won't let me see him!" He broke down sobbing, pulling out of his arms and curling up in the corner of the sofa. 

Yep, a mental breakdown. Kim took a deep breath. He'd seen this before. Tankhun did this after the kidnapping, when daddy, no, the Kra Sue blew the brains out over the three of them. Only Kinn was normal after, but then, only he thought with his cock and not his head. Revenge was Kim's salvation. 

He was going to save Chay. He picked up the almost comatose boy and carried him again to the shower and put him there, clothes and all. Turning it on, full, as cold as it went, he doused the sobbing, unresponsive man. Chay screamed and swung at him.

He caught his hands and held him under the freezing water. "If hitting me makes you feel better, do it. But keep talking until there's nothing left inside your head. Fill mine with all the bad, the ugly thoughts. Save your innocence, love. Keep it. I lost mine a long time ago." 

His lips twisted as Chay's eyes widened. "Oh, not that way. I was a virgin. I mean, about all the bad stuff that happens in the world. People really do lie, they cheat, steal and play head games. The Mafia kills and kidnaps people and I was one of them." He reached over, his lips blue and turned off the water. He started to pull of Chay's wet clothes, then his own.

"Don't be a little boy anymore but keep your innocence. It's alright to not want to see the bad shit. To believe in the good stuff because some people are good. Mr. Big has a heart of gold, even if he'd kill someone to protect me, and now you, because you're part of MY family." He tipped up Chay's chin, forcing him to look at him. "Do you understand me?"

"I need to see him." His teeth were chattering. "I need to talk to him. Porsche, I mean."

Kim nodded. "I'll see what I can do. I can't promise anything right now, but I will do my best." He snorted then smiled. "I'm going to enjoy this."

Chay gave him a sideway glance as he went in search of the towels. "Why?"

"We're screwing up Tankhun's plan seven ways to Sunday. I love it!"

"Will you talk to me about your family now? Tell me more?" Chay asked tentatively. "I need the distraction." So, Kim started talking... slowly. It got easier. 


"Sir? It's time I left." Arm straightened his tie and lightly tapped the nude Tankhun sleeping on the bed. His body still stirred at the sight of him, but his desire was controllable. He had some breathing room now. 

Afterwards, he had carried him like a child to the shower, and cleaned him, inside and out, even washing his hair. Then he had dried him, spooning him, until he fell asleep. He figured an hour of cuddles was enough. If he didn't leave then, he never would. 

Tankhun moaned and stretched, and he groaned, watching his nude body flex. His mouth watered. If he didn't move soon, screw his neat and tidy suit, that cock was being sucked again. "Sir, get up, now."


Tankhun heard him. He had never, ever in his whole life felt this lazy. He didn't want to move even his eyelids. He didn't want to work, scheme, or do anything. The world could go to hell today and he'd die happy.

He understood his brothers now. 

He finally got the hype about sex. 

He doubted anyone else could make him feel a damn thing, but he now wanted something else... but only if Arm... 

What the fuck! His eyes popped open as he felt a warm mouth on his cock, sucking hard. His thighs shook. A hand buried itself in his hair and he pulled, to meet Arm's eyes. 

He let go with a loud 'pop'. "Ha! I knew you were faking it. Have fun."

"You fucking asshole! Get back here and finish it!" Having him suck his cock was fast becoming his favorite feeling in the whole world. Would the house talk if he had him move into his room?

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