Hanging out with rui edited!

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I have to start all over with the first ones smh


I wanted to hangout with rui
Because he's my friend..mhm!
Y/n he's a demon and your a human it can't work out..
But what if..? What if i just try.

I continue to run around the Forest trying to find my..friend

I heard a familiar voice say my name
I turned around and saw rui! "Hi rui!"
"What are you doing here." He said with cold tone "I came here to hangout with you!" I said with a smile
"Is that so?" He said with one of his 'eyebrows' up I nod
"Okay then.." he said turning his head away from mine
"Can we go to the flower field?" I asked
"We can't, there have been more demons their" he answered


"We can't, there have been more demons their" i said
I saw how y/n frowned but the smiled again
"That's fine, if i get to hangout with you that's all that matters" she said sweetly

"We can go to the river if you want then, there's less demons" I said
Why is she so nice to me? I thought she would cut off our friendship by now.. I heard her speak again
"That's fine!" She said while smiling brightly I turned to her
Why is she smiling?
Why is her smile so adorable..
Why is she so pretty?

Wait why am i thinking like this..
What is this feeling..

Do i love her?
Wait what? No rui your a demon their a human it can't work..
And she probably thinks you as a friend, pull yourself together


"Rui?" You said
"Helloo earth to rui! are you there?" You said a little bit louder
"Hm? Oh sorry"
"It's fine! Can we go to the river now?" You asked sweetly
"Oh yeah sure" he said in a cold tone


You took your shoes off then dip your feet in the water
"This is so.." "Relaxing.." you said with a sigh
"Mhm" rui Said while looking at the moon
"Hey ru-ru?"
Rui turns to look at you with wide eyes
"What did you just call me?" "Ru-Ru?"
"Do you Not like it? did i make you feel uncomfortable? If so I'm so sor-" Rui cut you off
"No i love it" You sighed in relief
"Hey y/n?" " Hm?"
"What..what does love feel like?" You paused then said
"I don't know"


"Mhm" i said while looking at the moon. Why do i feel this way?
Why do i only feel this way when I'm around them..
"Hey ru-ru?"
I felt my heart beat a little faster And my eyes widen a little
"What did you just call me?"
"Ru-Ru?" What is this feeling..ugh
This is starting to annoy me
"Do you Not like it? Did i make you feel uncomfortable? If so I'm so sor-"
I cut her off "No i love it"
I don't love this feeling you give me though
Do i? Is this what a real bond feels like?
What is this.. Is..Is it love? Do i love her romantically? Do i wanna kiss her?Do i wanna hug her? Do i wanna be with her?
I need to know.. Does she know..? Does she feel this way too?
Is she more confused as i am? Is she less confused?
What is this.. "Hey y/n?"
"Hm?" "What..what does love feel like?"
She paused for a second It felt like hours to me
"I dont know"


It was almost daytime so i had to say goodbye too rui..
Wait why am i sad?
Why do i care so much for something that can kill me in one second..

Wait.. Is this..love Do i love him? Does he love me?
Wait no y/n it's not love you just care about him! Very much..
Yeah. Fuck no i-
I'm so confused.. What is this..
"Y/n?" Why do i feel like this to him?
"Y/n?" Do i wanna kiss him? Do i wanna take him on a date? Do i wanna cuddle him for hours?
"Y/n!" "Huh?" "Finally" "Oh sorry"
"It's fine"
I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him "Goodbye rui, I'll come back soon okay" "Y-yeah okay.."
I let go of him, then i waved goodbye and walked away


What was that feeling..
I felted so..safe


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