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I think heartbreak is the oddest thing

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I think heartbreak is the oddest thing.

Some girls dye their hair a completely different color, and some lose a bunch of weight, but me? I got convinced by Joy to accompany her to another party that was being hosted by someone I didn't know. He was captain of the lacrosse team, and his parents were gone for the weekend, so that gave Joy the idea to come out and party. We're both heartbroken, so maybe that's why we're both acting out of sorts. I can only hope she doesn't cry again with another liquor bottle.

I look around at the lawn as we walk side by side up the brick path leading to the porch. Red solo cups litter the grass. A blonde girl with her friend tries to push past us, stumbling before they clutch onto each other for dear life. A rap song is blasting out the windows, but luckily for the lacrosse captain, he lives in the middle of nowhere.

The blonde girl begins to throw up on the grass behind us as Joy confidently trudges up the steps. She's wearing a red mini-dress with low-rise heels, but rest assured, her eyes are plastered with sparkly eyeshadow. She glances behind her, and when she sees the look on my face, she grabs my hand. "You look amazing," she says. "I did a good job."

The black leather skirt and bodysuit of hers feel unfamiliar on my body, but luckily she let me pair the outfit with my fishnet tights and combat boots. I needed to be myself somewhat still, right? If she gets to wear sparkly eyeshadow, I get to wear my fishnets.

"What's the passcode?" A random guy says before we reach the front door. He eyes both of us heavily, but especially me.

I roll my eyes. "We're here for the party, and there is no passcode. Now get out of the way."

Reaching for the doorknob again, the guy moves in front of me, his body almost pressed against mine. He smells like nothing but Axe, and it's so strong that it's nauseating. I don't look him in the eye. Instead, I keep my eyes fixated on the door. "You go to our school?" He breathes into my ear. Joy tugs on my arm to pull me back, but she doesn't say anything. "I would have remembered a body like that."

"You're repulsive," I seethe, shoving him to the side, all his friends letting out stupid snickers. "Leave me the hell alone."

I open the door, and Joy glances behind her when we're inside, grabbing my hand to clutch it tightly. "Oh my god, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Boys are just stupid."

She doesn't seem convinced, but she can tell I don't want to discuss it anymore. With my hand still in hers, she tugs me forward into the living room and weaves us in and out of the crowds of people.

Jesus, did everyone at school come to this party?

We pass a group of guys taking shots in the kitchen, and it's so hot in here that I try to ignore the waft of their body odor. They reek of booze and sweat. It's hard not to gag.

Joy fakes a gasp as she tugs me around a corner, and I bump straight into someone. The cup of liquor they're holding goes directly onto the floor. "Oh my god, River?" She drags sarcastically but doesn't even need to say his name. I can smell the mint from his breath, and I haven't even looked into his eyes yet. I know it's him. "Fancy seeing you here!"

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