2 years later...

48 1 11

Tw-mention of rape
Richelle's pov
I get off the coach with Logan my daughter! The last camp trip got cancelled due to bad weather unfortunately! I walk past the same place i walked past after I got raped and it bring back some memories! "How's my niece doing?"michelle asks "she's perfect aren't you!"i say kissing Logan's cheek. I put Logan down since she can walk now she's one year old. "She's so cute!"jacquie says and Logan runs up to my leg and reaches up and I pick her up "mama"Logan says "did she just say her first word!"noah asks

"Yeah she did!"i say happily "okay so the bunk list is up!"miss kate says and elite pulls up and Sarah runs over to amanda and hugs her, i check who I'm with and I'm with jacquie 🥰 summer and kenzie! I hug jacquie since we are both happy that we are with each other "oh richelle honey I put a cot in your bunk for Logan!"miss kate says "hey Logan you wanna go to your grandma?"i ask passing Logan to miss kate "I'm her grandma?"miss kate asks "yeah even though I fell pregnant through rape your still her grandma"i say softly, i walk into my bunk with jacquie summer and kenzie.

"That cot is so cute!"i say looking at it "yeah it is!"jacquie says as she looks at it "I'm so tired Logan was up all night"i say softly as I lay down "well if you want help I'm more then happy too!"jacquie says "yeah us too!"summer says "thank but no you all except from finn and Eldon have been amazing to me and Logan this past year this is time for you guys to relax"i say softly

Noah walks in with Logan crying "she want her mummy"noah says passing her to me "ohh shh"i say softly as Logan settles down "your amazing with her!"noah says "uh did you except me to hate her or something!"i ask "no i just excepted you to get frustrated when she keeps you up at night"noah says, james walks in "how's my niece?"james asks "she's okay"i say putting Logan in her cot. "Can one of you stay here while I get her a bottle?"i ask "yeah of course!"jacquie says.

I walk into the camp kitchen and i start making Logan's bottle, as I walk out of the kitchen "hey richelle!"i hear someone say and I see Daniel NO. Noah walks out of my cabin "go away Daniel!"noah says and i walk back into my cabin to get Logan. "Hey what's up your shaking like crazy!"jacquie says "Daniel showed up!"i say softly picking Logan up, i take Logan outside and Daniel spots her "oh is that our kid?"daniel asks and michelle pulls me and Logan back "you mean my child"i say giving Logan her bottle "no i mean our child!"Daniel says "you raped me and I raised her with the help of my family and friends!"i say angrily "richelle I'm ready to be a dad!"daniel says "no its not happening!"i say looking at Logan "I'm going back in the cabin!"i say softly and jacquie follows me "DONT WALK AWAY BITCH"Daniel scream and I flinch at the shouting.

I sit down on my bed with Logan as she drinks her bottle and jacquie sits next to me "you okay?your still shaking?"jacquie asks "yeah I'll be fine"i say softly and i put Logan back in her cot and i feel a seizure coming "I'm about to seize"i mutter and jacquie immediately puts me in my side and I hear jacquie scream for Michelle and Amanda's and my eyes roll back and everything fades into a darkness.

My eyes flutter open "Logan?"i ask sitting up "she's okay she's right here"jacquie says holding Logan "oh thank god"i say and jacquie passes her back to me "richelle take it slow you just had a seizure"amanda says "I'm fine"i say softly as I watch Logan doze off, i put Logan back in her cot. Jacquie smiles at me softly "I'm fine I'm just tired"i say softly "you know the rules no sleeping until an hour after a seizure"amanda says "fine"i say softly.

Everyone leaves except from summer kenzie and Jacquie, Logan starts crying so I pick her up and I change her nappy, "hey rich do you need help?"summer asks "no I'm fine thanks summer"i say laying down with Logan "you sure?"jacquie asks laying down next to me "yeah I'm sure thanks though girls!"i say softly and Logan beings to calm down, noah walks in with james "hey girls we are bored and we are going down to the lake!"noah said "alright you coming rich?"Jacquie asks "yeah let me just get changed and then I'll sort Logan out and I'll be there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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