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About a month later
Y/n pov
I've gotten used to sleeping in the same bed as Seth. I trust him. We just ended up deciding on just sharing a bed in the end. Recently I feel like I'm catching feelings. I told myself that I wouldn't catch feelings for him because everytime I like someone they leave me. I failed and I caught feelings for him. I mean look at him how could I not he's such a sweet person. I honestly don't think that he likes me back though. I guess I could ask Josh, he would probably know they tell each other everything.


Hey I needed to ask you a question

Yeah what's up?

Does Seth like anyone?

I'll be honest with you I think he likes you

Ok that's all I wanted thank u

That was not what I was expecting him to say. Weird conversation though. He's probably wondering what is going on. After that I feel a little better telling him I like him even though I still doubt myself.

Seth pov

It's about 3pm and my brain is not functioning correctly anymore. I haven't slept because of my own dumb brain. I like y/n. At least I think I do. I don't even know anymore. I don't think she likes me back even if they act like it which they do they could just be doing it in a friendly way. I don't even know what to think about the situation anymore. Im always so comfortable around her and always smiling at the things she says. God, I think I'm in love. I hate this, this feeling of liking someone and not knowing if they like you back. I feel like a little middle school boy scared to confess to my crush. I need sleep. I still can't stop thinking about it though. My thoughts are becoming very overwhelming. I need to focus on something else. I decide that I'm going to go to the store and get some food.

Time skip brought to u by this idiot <3

No one's pov

Seth got back to the house and started to put the food up. Y/n walked back downstairs I went up to him and started to help him put stuff up. After that  they both went to the living room and sat on the couch deciding to watch a movie.

Y/n pov
Me and Seth went to the couch and decided to watch some movies together. "What movie do you wanna watch ?" I looked back at him and said "the dark crystal" (one of the best movies ever lol) we started watching the movie. About always through the movie Seth put his arm around me. I snuggled into his side as we finished watching the movie. It was quite comfortable just sitting there with him. I was definitely falling for this boy. Hes perfect in every way. After the movie we ended up just eating and he went to bed. Leaving me alone thinking even more bout the fact that I do have feelings for him, and that I have fallen for him.

Thank you guys for reading I'm very thankful to all of you!! I'm sorry about the amount of time it has taken me to update this book. Like I said my computer is broken and writing on my phone is difficult. Also school has started for me. I will be back though! I promise. Here's a longer chapter than usual to make up for it. Make sure to eat and drink. You are loved, you are special and appreciated! I love you all <3

&quot;Rose Petals&quot; Seth borden x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now