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"MUM!" I called out with a cry, feeling lost and scared "MUM?" It didn't matter how much shouting, screaming or crying I did no one called out. Lost, alone and isolated in the wilderness of god knows where, I stopped to look around, I could barely see a few centimeters in front of my face. I listened to the night, hoping, wishing for someone to help me, but all I could hear was things moving and rustling in the night.
Something big moved to my right making me jump and shake with fear. A sound echoed in the nights wilderness. I froze and a second sound joined the first. I didn't realise that I was holding my breathe until I heard a woman's voice coming from behind me. I turned to see a woman holding a baby, it looked like a dim light was pulsing from them. My foot got caught on something strong causing me to fall hard and fast. It wasn't till then that I realised I had been backing away from the woman and child.
Something told me to run, to get as far away from them as possible. So i got up and ran as fast as i could away from them, ignoring the pain in my foot and leg. I turned to see them coming towards me, I tried to crawl away but pain tore through my leg and up my back causing me to scream in agony. The woman put the child down and it looked like she was telling it to stay as she came running over. She must have seen the fear that I was feeling as she slowed down with sadness in her eyes. I have only seen sadness like that once. The look on her face was identical to the one on my mums face the last time I seen her which was before I woke up here, well somewhere around here.
I was with my mum in some street market not far from home I was running around looking for something, I wasn't sure what but I knew that I would know as soon as I seen it. I had saved every penny I got and found to spend it on something special I bumped in to a big man, he was big tall and wide. I leaned over me with an angry look painted on his face
"Where are your parents?" He growled
"S-s-s-sorry" I stuttered getting scared
"I said where are your parents" he loomed over me, going to take my arm in his gigantic hand
I backed away making him growl louder as I became out of his grasp I turned and ran from stall to stall looking for my mum or somewhere to hide but each time I found somewhere to hide he was there watching me as I turned a sharp corner a hand reached out from behind a van and grabbed me. I went to scream as loud as I could but something stopped me I opened my eyes and seen my mother she was trying to be brave and hide that she had been crying
Before I knew what was happening she hugged me tight and told me to never tell anyone of magic as she let go I seen her Onyx necklace radiate a light that reminded me of warm summer nights running in the wild playing tig and tag. I smiled at the memory and as I did my mum started whispering something I didn't quite catch as she finished a wind kicked up behind me and the door behind her opened and the man was there she pushed me in but not before I seen the white of her eyes as red sweat seemed to pour off of her the man tried to grab me but his hand fell off as I fell backwards down a bumpy path
When i woke up I stuck to the road as much as possible but cars speeding past scared me and caused me to fall down a steep slope. I tried to climb back up but failed each time so after the tenth time I gave up and started to wonder around the outskirts of the wilderness. It was when it started raining I started to wonder in to the wilderness looking for some kind of shelter. When the rain finally stopped I tried to make my way back out of the wilderness but got lost.
I don't know how long I have been out here but it feels like days. I know it can't be as I haven't seen daylight since I last seen my mum
Now I am here!
I don't know but its cold and for the first time in my memory I feeling going against my instincts and allowing them to help me...
What's the worst that could happen?

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