The Voicemail after a fight

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You and Kaminari were fighting cause you got insecure about how he wasn't paying attention to you and thought he didn't love you anymore.

The voice mail he would send to you after you to had an argument

" Hey sunshine nugget... Look, I'm really sorry for all those mean things I said, I saw how heart broken you were when I said them and... It broke my heart to, the truth is... I really do love you and I would never leave you for Mina, I just got mad and said random and stupid things, and Mina is with Sero anyways. Despite how sad or angry you are I would never want to hurt you, emotionally or physically. The truth is I love when you get insecure... Wait that sounds mean. let me explain, I love comforting you when you get sad, and I love making you feel better about yourself, that doesn't mean I want you to be insecure 24/7. Look, I just want you back ok? I'm sorry I yelled, can you just... Come home please? I miss you and so does Eeka (your dog). I hate seeing you cry so please, let me make it up to you. We can go wherever you want and get whatever you want whenever you want. Just know I love you Sunshine... Bye"

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