the obsession

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We were going through my father's stuff. My aunt and I had first dibs, everything else goes to the estate sale on Thursday. I was going through his old clothes. And let me tell you, he didn't have good taste back then. I found an olive green suit with puffy shoulders. My face went bright red, and my cheeks blew like glass, trying to hold back my laughter. "Bennie. Come check this out!"

I never liked the nickname Bennie. It's short for Benjamin, I guess. "Coming''

I shout to my ant.

I went to put the hideous suit down, but I had something new in the breast pocket. "Bennie? Are you common?"

I grabbed the folded piece of paper and ran to see her. "Did you know your father had a safe?"

She asked. my face matched hers. I guess neither of us knew.

"Wonder what's inside?"

I asked. "Let's find out."

We tried everything, but it still looked brand new. That's all I could think of for months. many nights at a time, I'd sit and stare at the safe gleaming in the moonlight till morning. I think the lack of sleep made me begin to see things. Things that no one else can see. My ant began to worry for me. Once again, I found myself late one-night sterling at the safe again. I began to remember the paper. The old, thin, fragile, off-coloured paper. I ran and grabbed it from my nightstand. I carefully unfolded it. "Make the right choice."

"The right choice? What choice?"

I muttered to myself. The lights flickered, then shaded. I look around quickly. There was a hole in the wall that was not there previously. A grey face with a deep sunken eye and a wight pupil fled as I looked. I stumbled back. Something cold touches my shoulder. I pushed it off and ran. The hallway felt longer than normal. a blink and it's there. A long bone face. A sewed-on smile, with not the faintest hint of a nose. Its ears. long and pointy. Its fingers were only bone.

I was terrified. "Destry the safe."

Its mouth never moved. But its words echoed around the room. Or was it my head? I turned around. they're a wall stud, and the safe sat before it. "H-how?"

A hole appeared in the wall. A black void to nothing. "Posh it."

"What?! No!"

I cried in surprise. a blink, and it looked as if it never happened. There sat the safe. A burning pain fled down my arm. "END THE OBSESSION"

Was etched in my arm. The grandfather clock chimed at 4 a.m. from the hall.

I was in the living room. I ran to my room. I didn't get much sleep with the pain in my arm and the fear of the demon.

I must have drifted off at some point in the night. When I woke up, my chest was in so much pain. I ran to the bathroom and pulled up my shirt. "MAKE THE RIGHT CHOSE"

I polled it back down and decided the safe isn't worth this torcher. Asif I said it allowed, the room changed back to the hellish room I was in last night. I wasn't scared. I was mad.

I charge at the stupid safe. Prepared to posh it in the hole. I rammed, and rammed, and rammed. I gave one more posh. And felt the unseeable weight lift from my body. As I watch it fall into the dark hollow abuse. I fell back in cold relief. I hit my bed. And thanked whatever higher power exists before I fell asleep. Thursday, I pack up a box and move it to the driveway. I watched as some kids laughed at the same hideous green suit that I was not a week ago. I smiled at my ant who was running the register.

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