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After reading the letter all the people in the hall began shouting, they believed that the movies weren't necessary because they know everything about their savior, but how wrong they were.

Seeing the commotion Natalie moved forward, "SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP PEOPLE!!!! NO ONE HERE TRULY KNOWS ME. SO, SUCK IT UP AND CLOSE YOUR BIG MOUTHS", she shouted at them.

"Miss Potter we know everything about you, how you are a liar and an attention seeking brat", the pink toad screeched.

"Look woman, you better stop accusing my niece or I'll just empty these bullets in your head", Owen Shaw glared at the toad harshly and pointed a gun at her.

Natalie motioned her uncle to move the gun down.

"Professor Umbridge, please refrain from accusing Miss. Potter. We will do as per the instructions given in the letter. I request all the teachers to convert the hall into comfortable sitting room. And I would like the guests to introduce themselves", Amelia Bones the Head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement, stated.

The teachers obliged and did the necessary arrangements, while Natalie went towards her family and friends to explain them about the situation as many of them were still new to magical world.

"Hey guys! I know this is very strange for you all, but don't worry I'll explain everything to you all", she said in an apologetic manner after all it was technically because of her that they all have to be dragged into the mess.

"Kiddo, it's absolutely fine. Brian explained us a few things that we should know while you were busy there. And you are part of the family we always stick with each other, ain't that right?", Dominic Toretto assured her and everyone else nodded their head in agreement.

"Yeah, Dom is right Lie. I am still shocked seeing all the witchy juju being real", Roman commented giving her side hug, while Nat just laughed at his comment.

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