Stop treating me like a child, you never let me do anything. I get good grades and that is still not enough for you. That's not true Kimberly, I only want whats best for you, and thats you not going to that party. Whatever "MOM"
Kimberly: Roxane, and Tina's mother is allowing them to go, because their parents are not uptight and over dramatic. 🙄
Claire: Well that's good for them, I don't even like you hanging out with Tina in the first place ,better yet to go to a party unsupervised with minors.God knows what will happen.
Kimberly: Ugh whatever I'm going to my room.
Claire: you better go, and you're grounded too.
Kimberly; WHAT ,WHY?
Claire: Go to your room.
Kimberly: Whatever, I more year and I'm 18 ,and I will be gone.
Claire: Keep talking and you will be grounded until you are 18.
Kimberly: Slams door
Moments later ...Kimberly calls Tina ,and Roxane on a video chat.
Tina: So you're not going huh? Jeeze my mom was a but iffy too,but I got my dad to get her to say yes.🙄
Kimberly: lucky you, my dad is in Washington and he takes my mom side in everything 😔
Kimberly: I can't miss this party, I was planing my outfitt the day Carter announced that he is having it.
Roxane: Well I have an idea , not the best one but it will probably work.
Tina/Kimberly: What?
Roxane: Sneak out 🤗, When your mom goes to sleep. She doesn't get back up ,does she?
Kimberly: Well I might just do that, after all. I can just take an Uber back.
Tina. : Don't let the Uber drop you exactly at your door though.
Tina : I'll actually pick you up, I will be parked two doors down, and drop you the same way. Why pay Uber?
Roxane : yes that sounds like a plan.
Later that Night...
Claire knocks on Kimberly's door.As she slowly opened the door and sat on the bed.
Sweetheart I don't want you to be upset, I'm just being a mom and trying to keep you safe. Thats my job. You know that I don't really trust those friends you have, and they are not true friends. They have no behavior.
Kimberly: I understand mom. I'm tired. I'll see you in the morning. Love you 😙
Claire : love you honey.