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(Spencers point of view)
I'm walking to Toby's house to hopefully apologise and beg for his forgiveness. We're still a couple but we are falling apart...
Maybe I'll get him some Cronuts to remind him of old times. I buy Cronuts and get the spare key from under the mat and open the door. Inside I find Toby kissing another girl with his shirt unbuttoned.
"Spencer wait no please I'm sorry!" -Toby
He tries to run after me while buttoning his shirt but I have seen enough. Every fibre of love I had for him or I thought I had for him has gone. I drive off in my car and head home. On the way home I see Alison with mona and a few other people beating up an unconscious Alison, so I stop the car.
"Hey let her go!" -Spencer
They all run off when they hear my voice. I mister up all my strength and pick Alison up in my arms. It's not that hard really that hard because she's light as a feather. She's so beautiful when she's asleep. I put her in the passenger seat and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Then drive to my house.

I carry her into the house and set her on the sofa then wet a cloth. I dab the wet cloth on here head and check for concussion and stick up a cut in her head.

After 4 hours she woke up and at the least I would say I was relieved.
"Where am I" -Alison
"You're in my house, mona and her gang knocked you unconscious so I took you back here" -Spencer
"Can I stay here for a few days my family has gone to my cousins house and I don't like being alone" -Alison
"Sure" -Spencer
I've never seen the nice side of Alison but let's just say I really liked it.
"You've got puffy eyes have you been crying?" -Alison
"Toby he...he cheated on me" - Spencer
(Alison's point of view)
Now could anyone cheat on someone as beautiful, good hearted and smart as Spencer. Anyone would be lucky to have her... I would be luck to have her.
"He's so stupid Spencer,you deserve someone much better" -Alison
Someone like me...

Me and Spencer chatted for a while and for once we actually managed to get along. I noticed things I never noticed before like her georgus smile and the way her face gets when she's thinking. We decided to watch a Disney film- Aladin. Spencer had never told anyone but she was obsessed with Disney. It was her guilty pleasure! Half way through the movie Spencer fell asleep so I fetched he a blanket and put it over her then wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead. If only we could stay like this forever....

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and t was coming from the kitchen.
"Hey I made pancakes you want some?' -Spencer
"Sure, can I just say I didn't want to lie I wanted to tell the truth and I hate to tell you this but..." -Alison
"You can tell me anything ali" -Spencer
That certainly made Alison's heart flutter. Spencer was so perfect. She didn't even know she was drooling until she heard Spencer say her name.
"Spencer -A is back, they want to kill me" -Alison
I burst into tears and she cradled me in her arms, her arms were like a cage cutting her of from the cruel world.
"It's ok Alison, I won't let them hurt you" -Spencer
"It's all my fault if I wasn't so mean then -A wouldn't be here. A girl wouldn't be dead and you wouldn't be getting tortured when you don't even deserve it!" -Alison
"Shhh it's ok, it's ok it's not you're fault, you're not the person everyone thinks you are..." -Spencer
"Then what am I?" -Alison
"You're sweet,kind,brave and beautiful" -Spencer
"I don't deserve your kind words Spencer" -Alison
"Ali after all you've been through you deserve a lot more than kind words" -Spencer

They spent the rest of the day together, Alison took Spencer shopping to 'sort out her wardrobe' as Alison called it and Spencer helped Alison catch up on school work.

(Spencers point of view)
"Hey Spencer can I sleep in your bed with you, I don't want to be alone" -Alison
"Yes of corse" -Spencer
She climbed in next to me and scooted into me and I wrapped my arms around her. I was sure she would push me away but I didn't. I turned the lamp off ten I kissed Alison's forehead and watched her drift off to sleep...
Was it possible I was developing romantic feelings for Alison?
(Alison's point of view)
I felt her kiss my forehead and then lye down. Her kissing my forehead sent butterflies to my stomach...

Was it possible I had feelings for Spencer Hastings?

True love you just can't kill it honey|Spencer and AlisonWhere stories live. Discover now