Chapter One

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Keefe's Pov

Garbage. That's what it smells like. It is also so loud and overwhelming. I don't know what I was thinking, I didn't come up with a solid plan and now I'm stuck. I'm stuck on the streets of somewhere unfamiliar. All I know is that I'm in the Forbidden Cities, I have no food or currency, I have powers that I am unable to control, and I can't speak aloud. This is an ideal situation. I know no one here. Well... there is one place I can go to. I just need to hope that she won't tell Sophie.

Ok Keefe, you can do this. You're the amazing Lord Hunkyhair. You've faced the Neverseen, you can do this. I suck in a deep breath and bring my hand up to knock against the door. A dog starts barking and I hear a feminine voice calling out for it to stop.

"Hold on! I'll be there in a second!" I shuffle my feet and run my hand anxiously through my hair as I wait for her to answer the door. I hear footsteps approach the door and it opens.

"Keefe? What are you doing here?" Amy asks incredulously as she sees me standing at the door. As I go to open my mouth to respond I realize that I can't. Frowning, I try to think of a way I can tell her without talking.

"Are you going to answer me?" I glare and move my hand in a writing motion as if I'm holding a pen.

"You want to write...?" I eagerly nod my head and she sighs and opens the door further.

"Come in. You have a lot of explaining to do." She motions for me to head in and I walk in. Amy closes the door behind us and heads to what I remember to be her kitchen. She points at a wooden chair and I sit down.

"Wait there." I nod and she heads upstairs. Soft fur rubs against my leg and I look down to see Marty rubbing against my leg. He looks up at me and I lean down to pat him a little. His fur is soft, maybe I should get a cat if I end up living here in the Forbidden Cities.

"Ok, I'm back." Amy's voice alerts me and I quickly look up to see her with a notepad and pen.

"Here, so you can write your answers since you don't want to talk." I nod in appreciation and she hands me the notepad and pen.

"So what are you doing here?" She questions as she sits opposite of me. I ran away. I show her the notepad and she nods in confusion.


I gained new abilities and it is putting Sophie and the others in danger.

"What kind of abilities?"

I can control people with my tone of voice.

"Oh so that's why you're not talking. Are there any other abilities?"

I can sense what abilities they're going to get if they don't have one.

"Oh yeah, I can see how that'll be bad. So why'd you leave because of that?"

Because if the Neverseen got their hands back on me it could have devastating results. I also can't control my new abilities, so if I say something wrong, it could end badly.

"So you did this to protect everyone?"

I said that at the start. Amy chuckles sheepishly and rubs the back of her neck awkwardly. She turns her head to look at the clock and turns back to me.

"So when are you going to head back?"


"You can't stay here forever, you know that, right?"

I don't mean to be intruding, but can't I stay here with you?

"I really would offer that. But you can't stay here forever unfortunately. My parents will eventually find out, and if the Neverseen are after you..."

Yeah, I understand. I can feel my heart start to drop at the prospect of having to go back.

"However... I do know someone who you can stay with." Hope fills my body with energy and for the first time since I've been here I feel as if there may be some sort of way I can stay here and keep the others safe.

Who are they?

"Her name is Y/n, she's your's and Sophie's age. I met her at my school, she's quite nice." She's my age?? What about her parents?

Won't her parents care?

"Not really. They're away on business trips a lot so they're not home often. Her older brother looks after her generally and he's not gonna care either."

Well... if her and her brother are ok with it.

"Trust me! They will be. I'm gonna call them. You can listen in on the conversation if you want." I nod my head and she takes a black, flat, rectangle out of her pocket. She taps on it and it starts ringing.

"Hey Amy." A voice answers from the box.

"Hi Y/n! I need a favor from you please." Amy giggles nervously.

"Uhm sure... what is it?"

"I have a friend who needs a place to stay for a while. He has run away from home and he is in need of a place to stay. I would gladly let him live with me, but my parents won't allow that. So I was wondering... if he could stay with you and your brother?" A pause falls upon us as she goes into thought

"Uhm, sure. My parents won't be home for a bit, so sure." I sigh in relief and slump down, finally relaxing for the first time since I arrived here.

"Thank you so much! Also, he doesn't like talking much so he writes on his notepad."

"Oh, that's ok. I can stop by tomorrow to take him to my place if you guys are ok with that." Amy looks over at me and I nod.

"Yes please. That would be great. See you then."

"Bye." A beep is heard from the rectangle box and she puts it down on the table. Amy looks up at me and smiles.

"Looks like we've found a place for you to stay."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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