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I do not own any of these characters.  They all belong to andrew hussie. Hope you guys like what i put together, oh and it is from Aradia's POV because i think it would be interesting and she is my favorite troll but, if you would like me to write from someone else's POV i would love to do it. ENJOY :)

"I'm here!" Yelled Aradia while entering John's flat with her big binder of wedding ideas. "Great, just sit down on the table over here", John pointed to an old wooden table in the living room with a big grin on his face. Aradia dropped the big binder on the table that was followed by a big thump startling dave while he walks in to say hi. "What the hell bro?!" "Is Davey boi scared?" Teased Raidy "Well hello to you to..." said dave walking towards Aradia. "So, whats in the book?" Asked John "its all my ideas i have for your wedding, here let me show you". Aradia opened the dark red cover of the binder, first revealing the cake idea's she has. "Woah, are they apple flavored?!" Said Dave, shoving John and Aradia out of the way to get closer to the binder. "Umm Dave, I don't think there are apple flavored cakes" "WE CAN FIGURE STUFF OUT!" "Okay! Okay, I'll find recipes to apple flavored cakes". Dave smiled and shuffled back a bit. "Well, my idea was that it is blue and red themed wedding and because its your wedding day I wanted to add purple because blue and red make purple!" Aradia flipped a couple of pages to a page with a blue, red and purple sketch of a pretty altar, it was perfect. "It's perfect Ara!" said John with a huge smile on his face "I like it too." said dave with a smirk on his face "How about the after party?" wondered john, "Sollux helped me with that and it will be purple themed instead of red, blue and purple because at that point you guy's are married, their will be purple roses in the middle of the tables as a centerpiece with diamond chandaliers and multicolor lights" "B-but Ara..." stuttered Dave raising one finger in the air "Oh yes, their will be turn tables." Aradia lowered daves finger and john laughed.

A few hours later...

"I better get going, I need to order all this stuff, and Johnny, I need you to come with me to pick up your suits." "Sure thing!" said John "Bye Dave!" "Bye!". Aradia and John exited the house only to see Aradia's car parked at the front of the house. "Aradia?" John said with a lump in his thought."Yes Johnny?" "...Do you think Dave loves me?" Aradia stopped "What kind of question is that? Of course he loves you, every time I am left alone with him he doesn't shut up about you. John this John that yackitty yack yack. He ADORES you John" Aradia continued her walk to the car. John's heart skipped a beat, he blushed a bit and followed Ara to the car. Aradia placed the big fat binder in the back seat and stuck her arm further in the car grabbing two suits. "You guys are not allowed to see them until I leave the neighbour hood, got it!?" said Aradia with a stern eye "Yes ma'am!" John nodded with a bit of fright "By the way, Sollux and Karkat helped pick them out" Aradia winked at John "Mkay bye Johnny!" Aradia shut the car door "Bye Raidy!". While Aradia drives away John turnes around and walks back to the house and finds Dave waving bye to Aradia at the window. "Whats that John?" "It's our wedding outfits and apparently Kar and Soll picked them out. Is Ara gone?" Dave leaned back towards the window to check "Uh yeah pretty much, why?" with not one word spoken, John quickly throws the suits on the couch and unzips the covers revealing a blue silky suit. Light blue vest with a dark blue collar a bleach white button up shirt under it, light blue dress pants matching the vest, a dark blue silky tie is tucked in the pocket of the vest. John cannot beleive how nice the suit looks, It made him realise how badly he wanted to marry the man of his dreams. "Bro, let me check mine out, move out of the way" Dave shoves John out of the way and takes Johns suit off of his and hands it over to the shocked boy. Dave slowly unzips the cover revealing flashes of red between the zipper edges. Dave carefully removes the suit out of the cover and notices a small gasp from John behind him, the suit has the same style as John's, the vest is light red with a dark red silky collar ,inside the vest lies another bleach white button up shirt, light red dress pants and a silky red tie hanging on the clothes hanger. Words cannot explain how Dave feels, Dave takes off his glasses to take a better look at the suit, He looks back at John only to find him trying not to cry. "Are you going to cry?!" "WHAT NO, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!" Dave looks back to the suit almost laughing at his fiancé. He puts back the cover on the suit and zips it up. John takes the suits to the room and hangs them up in the closet. John returns to the living room a bit later and lays down in Daves lap. "I love you" said John "I love you too" said Dave. "I can't beleive that a blind dude and Karkat chose those" said Dave, John just laughed and continued watching the t.v.

Dave and john get marriedWhere stories live. Discover now