Chapter 2

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   The next morning Evelyn woke up believing it was all a dream. It felt like something she had watched in one of those romance movies, or a book. A lot of crazy shit has happened to her, but something with this much compassion, never. A hot new mysterious guy, is she even still Evelyn Ridero?

   "Big day tommorrow!" Jia walked into the room and opened the curtains.

   Evelyn groaned as she forced herself to get out of bed, "Yeah so I need my beauty rest, can I sleep for 10 more minutes?"

   "If you want beauty your gonna have to do a hell of a lot more than sleep babes, come on we have been through this." She waited till she sat up and handed her a glass of orange juice.

   Evelyn stared her down for a good minute and then got up, "Well get out so I can get ready, I have school remember" she walked over to the closet and picked out her clothes.

   "We are both female with the same body parts, plus I use to change your diapers and bath you, yeah i've unfortunately seen everything, nothing to hide from momma."


  "Fine," she threw her hands up walking to the door,
"By the way I am picking you and Allison up from school to find you a less modest dress than what your father chose."

  "Alyssa Mom, and I like the dress," she replied defensively

   Jia said nothing and just playfully flipped her off shutting the door behind her.

   At school, Alyssa kept badgering Evelyn all day about what happened with William the previous night.

   "Tell me something, did you have sex, oh my god you totally had sex, fuck you, you had sex before me!" obviously said by Alyssa.

   "No way Alyssa your a virgin?" Matteo seemed shocked.

   "I can change that" Noah smirked.

   "We get it Noah." Matteo put his books in his locker, and started walking out the school as the others followed.

  Ignoring Noah and Matteo's conversation, Evelyn finally told Alyssa what happened, "We didn't have sex, not even close, we did kiss though if that counts as something?"

  "Holy shit-" Alyssa was cut off by very loud music getting closer.

   "Get in bitches we are going shopping!" Jia took a taste of alcohol and went back to singing along to the loud music in the car.

   "You heard the woman, get in bitches" Noah pushed Evelyn and Alyssa in the car trying to get rid of them.

  "I will talk to you about how sexist that sounded later, anyways bye, love you guys!" Evelyn shut the car door.

  "Where are we going Jia?" Alyssa yelled over the music.

   "Shopping. Dresses. To make Evelyn look less boring tomorrow" Jia yelled back, driving off.

  "Oh okay!"

   At the store, Alyssa and Jia kept picking out way to revealing dresses. 'It's your big day, live a little' is what they would say to get her to try them on. They looked great on her, she just didn't feel right. She didn't want men to see her as an object the entire night, a trophy. She would feel like her whole Sweet 16 was just her family advertising her as a trophy wife. But then again, she didn't want the dress her father picked out, and she didn't want to look that modest, for obvious reasons.

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