Chapter 2

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Hands softly cradled Silence's waist as he slept, taking him from Pride's arms. Those same hands held him to Sam's chest, a smile playing across his lips. He really enjoyed the way this human looked, with his long hair and curvy body. He was short for a human, and that meant that Sam, even with his slightly above average height, was 3 times as tall as him.

Silence stretched in his arms and he tensed for a moment before relaxing when Silence just turned to curl into his heat. He carried Silence all the way to the hallway that docked his ship to Calum's. He brought Silence to his room, putting him down on the huge bed and covering him with a soft, silky blanket. Silence clutched at the blanket and curled it around himself.

"I'm going to have so much fun with you soon, just you wait, my dear Silence. You are going to be mine soon enough," he said, feathering his fingers over Silence's nape. Silence made a soft connected noise and Sam smiled. This would be fun.

- - -

When Silence woke up Sam was laying next to him, his head was cradled in Sam's lap. He shot up, looking around, frantic.

"Perfect, you're awake," Sam said with a smile.

Silence frowned. He wondered where he was, and where was Master?

Sam put his hands around Silence's waist, pulling him back onto his lap.

"I put you here for a reason, y'know," he smiled, one of his hands slowly trailing up Silence's back, until it could tangle up in his hair, while the other moved down to cup Silence's butt. He pulled Silence in for a kiss, one that made Silence freeze and stiffen.

It felt wrong, it all felt wrong.

This should be his Master, or Pride, or any other pet, not Sam.

"A little reluctant," Sam sighed. "But we can work on that. In 2 days time I'll be showing Calum the black markets. In 2 hours time, they'll be searching for you, by then I'll have you begging for me. You won't show them where you are, understand?"

Silence nodded. He understood perfectly well. He knew that Sam was going to hurt him, make him more of a doll than a pet. It hadn't taken him long to get used to being a pet, he wondered if the same could be said for being a doll.

Sam pulled Silence closer again and kissed him roughly. Silence hated it, but with Sam's fingers pressing down lightly over nerves that could cause immense pain if squeezed too hard, he was too afraid to do anything but go limp. Sam's other hand pushed him higher, giving him a better angle to kiss Silence.

"Slightly better. Still not what I hoped for, but all of this is so easily fixed. A day or two with a trainer should be more than enough. This time I expect you to recuperate, understand?" Sam said, squeezing Silence's neck just enough to make him wince.
Silence quickly nods, but is still reluctant to kiss Sam back when Sam kisses him again.

He was active enough to avoid serious punishment, but Sam wasn't quite satisfied. When he pulled away again, he slapped Silence.


"I told you what I wanted. Obey me," he growled. His voice was demanding, and Silence had learned to listen to such a voice over the time he had spent as his Master's pet.

This time he kissed Sam properly, inwardly being both horrified and repulsed by his own actions. He wrinkled his nose and tried to imagine that he was kissing Master. It didn't work. Sam tasted wrong, he was too rough, and his hands didn't stroke him the way Master's would. He missed that touch.

When Sam finally pulled away, Silence was light headed from the lack of oxygen, but when his dizziness faded, he could see the smirk on Sam's face.
Sam's fingers massaging his rear painfully hard, no doubt leaving bruises. His hands were too warm and sweaty, unlike Master's cool, calming hands.
San leaned back on the bed until Silence was straddling his chest. He had an annoying smirk plastered on his face.
"Much better. Now, I suppose I need to get to sleep, it would be quite suspicious if you were missing and I was awake."

Sam, despite his words, stayed still for a few minutes. When he got up he took Silence over to a wall, one that Silend had not noticed had attached to it. They seemed long enough so that person in them could move freely as far as the bed.

Sam cuffed his wrists then his ankles, not caring that the restraints were too tight, and Silence did not dare complain. He was set down on the floor while Sam went to get into bed. Sam was asleep in moments, while Silence could not fall asleep for the life of him. He tried to, but was much too uncomfortable.

After about an hour, loud knocking could be heard from the door. A distinctly male voice said, "Sir, Sir Calum requests your presence. He says one of his pets disappeared."

Sam got up from bed, telling the man that he would be there in a few minutes. He got changed, roughly kissed Silence, who glared at his retreating back, and left.

Silence was left alone for a long time. After a while he could hear people looking through the ship, but they didn't find anything because no one expected Calum's best friend to take Silence and hide him in his room.

A few hours later, Sam returned to his room. Without a word, he kissed him again. Silence hated his kisses, they were too rough and left him missing his Master even more.

What happened next could only be described as the worst thing that had ever happened to him. Before he always felt like his feelings mattered at least a little bit, that he was something special, even if it was only because he was a rare human. Before he had always felt comfortable when doing anything, because he knew his wishes would be respected.
Sam raped him.

He left him bruised, bloody, and broken. He had never been used in such a way, and he felt as if he would never recover.
He slumped against the floor, the pain numbed him, as he curled into a ball. He heard the door open and shut, but he didn't move.

He drifted in and out of a fitful sleep, unable to fully relax.

Over the next few weeks, he was used so many times and in so many different ways, he couldn't even remember them all, not that he was trying to. He was bruised and had an uncountable amount of injuries, ranging from a broken arm to small cuts.

Sam would love to torment him, sometimes poking him with a hot poker just to laugh at his reaction. At times he would be pumped full of drugs, so that Sam could see how terrible the withdrawal was.

But he always had enough food, even though he had so much trouble eating it that Sam would have to force feed him, scoffing every time he choked on a bite. He always had enough water, he wasn't ever too cold, and he even had someone to wrap his wounds every week or so. Sam didn't want them to be infected so terribly that he died. It's no fun to torture someone if they cannot react.
After a few months, Silence got numb to it, he was just going through the motions, barely alive.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, the last chapter should be out within the week (if I don't do more procrastinate any more...)

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