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We soon got back to our house and I went straight to my room even if my dad hadn't told me to do so.

Both my parents didn't know why I went to my room only to be interrupted by a video call by firehouse 51.

Once they got themselves settled on the sofa they accepted the call and they saw Casey beaming face on the call. He was calling to see how things were going on in Pontypandy.

Sam and Penny told him everything that they had happened and then Casey told them about what had been going on in Chicago.

He then said he had a surprise for me and I was soon called down. I came down to the living room slowly due to my head starting to ache but I kept it hidden. I saw Casey on the call and I smiled widely.

I was happy to see Casey and the whole of Firehouse 51. Chief Boden told me he had a surprise for me. The surprise was that all of firehouse 51 were coming to the UK but more so Pontypandy for a special assignment by CFD HQ.

I was very happy with the news then I was informed that there was a new paramedic as well as firefighter on Ambulance 61.

Her name was Violet Mikami.

I was told she was assigned to Ambulance 61 while Dawson was on Truck 81.

As well as me, my parents were very happy with the news about CFD coming to Pontypandy.

Dawson then came into the screen and gave me a wave before she told my parents and me that they were on the next flight to London before driving with a police escort to Pontypandy.

Everyone from firehouse 51 was excited to see me since the last time we had met was in Chicago when their was a court case that my parents had attended of the trial of Mr Spellman,

I rolled my eyes in despair at the name. I hated the name.

Hermann soon came into the screen and waved at me like everyone else had before he started to speak. He chimed into the ongoing conversation that they were all looking forward to seeing us, we told them we were looking forward to seeing them also.

The conversation was soon brought to a halt by a call for firehouse 51, the call was their departure time and flight with British Airways to London.

We had a great time talking to each other before we bid them all goodbyes and they bid us all goodbyes as well before they hung up.

After they had hung up, Penny stood up to go make dinner and once she had stood up and went to the kitchen my dad had moved up a tad to let me sit down.

I sat down next to him. I leaned into him heavily and then the dinner was my fave, they also had some dinner as well. I grunted about moving though.

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