Chapter 1

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𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐏.𝐎.𝐕.

I realized I had a long way to go to become a sports journalist when on the first day of university the guys were asked what their favourite sport was, and the girls were asked why they were there.

In the classrooms, they expected the women to sit down and listen but never to stand up and speak. They want you to listen to their opinions but never to give yours, especially because, as a woman, your opinion doesn't matter in a men's world.

When I got home on the first day, I wanted to give up. I even prepared an email to send to the university to ask to switch to an English Degree. And then I called my family, and my mother told me how she had to go against a man who was rude to her at work. My mother never allowed anyone to push her down and disrespect her, so why should I? People always told me I am my mother's daughter after all. So after the call, I deleted the email and started working.

When you enter a men's world, you have to be ready to work ten times harder than any man in the room. All those nights without sleep, all those breakdowns, all the stress, all paid out in the end. All the hard work allowed me to get a job as a journalist assistant in one of the most important sports magazines and channels in London. I admit it's not the highest position, but we all have to start somewhere.

I'm lucky to live and work in such as amazing place. Every time I leave the King's Cross Station and have my ten minutes walk to work, I always remind myself to thank the universe for this. I'm not quite sure, but I think the fifteen years old me would be proud of how far we came.

The building was different today. Everything was quiet. I didn't hear a single voice. Usually, people walk around with their coffee and catch up until the time for the morning meeting. For a second I thought I was late, but when the elevator door opened and I saw my friend Grace, I knew I still had time.

"Good morning. Can you please tell me why everything is so quiet? It looks like someone died." - I handed her her coffee and she gave me a warm smile.

"Almost. Louis had a car accident last night."

"Jesus! Is he okay?"

"I'm not sure, I just know that he won't be coming to work for a few weeks."

"He was so excited for the Chelsea interview and to go to the first Formula 1 race of the year. I feel bad for him".

"Do you?" - Grace laughed and closed her green eyes for a second - "Think on the bright side, we'll have a break from him."

I have to agree with her on this one. Grace is Louis' secretary and I'm his journalist assistant and let's just say he doesn't take us or our jobs that seriously. Louis doesn't believe women belong in the sports industry. His old mind got stuck in the '40s.

"Good morning, ladies." - our boss, Julian, passed by, entering the meetings room.

"I'll never shut up about how hot he is for a man who's 35." - Grace whispered to me and we giggled.

Julian is the vice president. His father owns the company but he stopped working many years ago and let his son take over. I would be lying if I said I do not agree with Grace. Julian is an attractive man, despite his age.

He started the meeting and did the usual check on people's work.

"Senna, any news on the Chelsea interview?"

"Yes. The club accepted the interview and scheduled it for next Saturday, at 4 pm."

"With who?"


𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤  [Charles Leclerc]Where stories live. Discover now