~The Marriage~

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(TW Abuse, War, and Violence)

"What?!" Bug barked, venom laced their voice and their tail began to lash.

"You never noticed?!" Bee replied. He held out his arms, vaguely gesturing to the many burns and scars covering his body.

"You're always like this, how was I supposed to know?!" Bug sighed, turning away from their brother.

"You just only pay attention to him!" It was now Bee's tail that began lashing as his teeth sharpened.

"Don't bring him into this, you have it so easy," Bug glared at Bee, whipping around to glare daggers at the shorter boy in front of them.

"Easy? I'm harassed daily!"Tears had begun to prick at the Bee's eyes, causing a faint sizzling noise.

"Just suck it up and deal with it for the mission." Bug scoffed, crossing their arms and standing up straight.

"Is that all you care about?!"Bee had to slightly tilt his head up to look at his sibling, who had a look of distaste written on their face.

"You're going to marry him anyway," Bug said, monotone, "What's the big deal?" They turned away from Bee again, waving their hand dismissively.

"I never wanted to marry him! I was doing it for the mission!" Bee replied, tears now fully falling down his face burning the skin they came into contact with. Bug stood, unmoving. They remembered taking one of the flyers home to show Zak, disgusted by their brother's actions. While they hadn't been officially together, it was clear the mushroom boy's feelings for Bee.

Their heart twisted, Zak's heartbroken face twisting in their mind before quickly turning cold.

"So?" The shorter boy had choked out, trying to seem unbothered, but Bug knew. They shook their head violently, causing Bee to step back slightly. They glared at the boy, now slightly crying themself. Bug grabbed their brother, dragging him out of the castle and back to their home in the woods.

They burst through the door, making Zak jump from his place in the living room. He locked eyes with Bug, then Bee. His face dropped near instantly, returning to his book. Bug grabbed him as well, dragging them both to Bee's room.

"What's wrong with you?!" Zak rubbed his wrist, standing on the far side of Bee's room. Bug didn't speak just pulled up two chairs, gesturing for him to sit.

"Explain." Bug's voice was monotone, a cold look on their face. Zak looked quizzically at them before landing his gaze on Bee, refusing to look at his eyes. The ender stammered, fiddling with his hands and his tail lashing anxiously.

"W-Well I- he- um" Bug took a long breath, reaching out to grab their brother's hand. Their face softened as they looked at him.

"It's ok, you can tell us." Bee looked from them to Zak, who still refused to meet their eyes. He took a deep breath.

"He said I had to marry him because he loved me," He started slow, brows furrowing in thought, "That if I didn't he'd go to Sol and have me banned from leaving the castle." Zak looked up from the floor, eyes widening at Bee's story.

"What is love Bug?" Bee looked up at his sibling, looking like a lost child. Bug's chest tightened, they had never been the best at emotions and always blamed themself for Bee's inability to explain his feelings.

"It's when you really, really care about someone," They started slowly, racking their brain for an explanation, "Like I love you. But I love you in the family way." Bee nodded slightly, focusing on Bug's every word.

"What Dolos has isn't love." Bug finished, placing their hand on Bee's cheek. Bee nodded frantically, looking at their sibling with wide eyes.

"What do I do then?" Bee's tail lashed anxiously once more. Bug exchanged a glance with Zak, who seemed to boil with anger.

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