Love and Obsession

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Love and Obsession

"This way!"

The familiar call brought Jacques and Manon up short. They were being led and tailed by two Vasconian royal guards who were guiding them through stone halls they hadn't yet memorized. It was neither of them that had spoken though.

Standing in a hall that they had nearly passed, Amorette was waving them forward. She was still wearing her party clothes, though there appeared to be a fine coating of rock dust all over her dress and hands.

"You can't get out that way. Fire is spreading," she said, rapidly gesturing for them to move quickly.

None of them hesitated to do as she said and follow after her.

"What's happening?" Manon asked the moment they caught up to her.

"Er, hard to tell," Amorette grimaced. "I was dancing then someone was yelling something about a fire. Cupid ran off to help the injured. I'd really like to join him, but he said I needed to help the royal family out. So, let's go."

"My brother? Nina?"

"They went the other way. I came to find you. I don't know. Come on. The fire is spreading."

It was a warning she didn't need to give. The smoke was getting heavier. There were a lot of decorations thanks to the party today.

They fell in line behind her, both guards now bringing up the rear. Neither Manon nor Jacques knew the palace – especially not these back halls – enough to escape on their own. They had no choice but to follow Amorette as she rushed ahead.

Until she got to the next corner. Grimacing, she stepped back.

"What is it?" Manon asked, breathing hard as they all stopped behind her.

"Fire down that hall. That door just goes to another storage room, I checked earlier. And going forward will just take us back to the ballroom, which is already burning. Erm..."

Confused about what direction to choose, she turned her head between her three options for a few precious seconds.

"Back the way we came then," Jacques decided for her, starting to turn.

Manon made to follow him, then gasped as they both came up short.

The fire was spreading faster than she anticipated. Feeding on the abundance of rugs and tapestries and wooden furniture that were used liberally to help alleviate the cave like feeling that most of the windowless halls and rooms could have.

It was already behind them. Cutting off their exit as it began to spread down the hall. Trapping them in the windowless corridor. The guard cursed as they stepped back.

Amorette, however, grinned with resignation, lifting her fist.

"Make our own doors then."

"Amorette, wait-"

Manon's warning came too late. The strongest paladin reared back then slammed her fist against the wall. The rock shattered under her strength, a hole breaking open as multiple cracks formed. She grabbed the edges of the small hole and made it bigger, sending chucks of rock falling as she widened the new entrance until it was big enough for them to climb through.

Jacques pushed Manon inside first before he lifted himself in afterwards, the guards following. The heat of the fire was already licking at their heels. Manon could look back and see the harsh light of it flashing on the walls as dark smoke continued to pour upward.

Manon began coughing, choked by its thick, black cloud, as Jacques grabbed her arm and pulled her after him as Amorette ran to the next wall. The only door in this storage room led right back to the hall filled with fire.

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