{Chapter 1}

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The time is 10:30 pm and you are out on a nice, calming night walk and the streetlights are flickering, flaring up for a few moments before going dark again. You look around and see no one else seems to be affected by this strange phenomenon. As you turn back toward your apartment building, the light in the window of the third floor suddenly goes out! You hear a man's voice from inside say "I'm sorry" as it quickly returns to normal brightness. You wonder what that was all about, but decide not to worry too much about it. Maybe nothing...
It is now 11:00 p.m., and you have just climbed the stairs to your apartment. Inside, you find your husband sitting alone at the kitchen table with his head down. He looks sad and distant. "Hello?" you call out. There is no answer. You go over to him, concerned about a sudden change in behavior, and touch his shoulder. Your hand feels something soft under the sleeve of his shirt. You pull away and find yourself staring at what appears to be an old-fashioned key-shaped ring, attached to a chain around his neck. It is made from some sort of fine metal. There is a strange, metallic smell in the air and a small blue flame dances briefly on the tabletop, then fades into thin air. You step forward to take off your shoes, but they remain firmly planted where you left them. What in the world? He doesn't seem to notice anything unusual. You are about to ask him when he speaks. "Oh, hello," he says quietly, looking up. "Did you get home all right?" "Yes, I did," you reply, puzzled. "What were you doing out there so late?" He shrugs, and continues without answering your question. "I wish we could go somewhere together tonight." His tone is distant. "Just walk down to the park and sit awhile. Is that too much to ask?" "Why would you want to do that?" You ask. "Because I feel bad about leaving you alone like this," he answers. "I know it's not very nice of me to leave you alone at night. But I don't think you really mind, do you?" You are confused. Why does he sound so sad? Have things changed between you two recently? You're sure you haven't done anything wrong. You have always been faithful in your marriage. You can tell by the way he looks at you that he must be having an affair. But why wouldn't he just come out and say it? Why make you guess? You decide to confront him about it, but just as you approach the open doorway of the living room, the lights go out, and you find yourself standing in total darkness. It is completely black outside, with no sign of any streetlights or other sources of illumination. Even the window is dark and there is no moonlight streaming through. You feel a sudden chill run down your spine. What in the world is happening here? Where are you? Your heart begins to beat faster and your breathing is ragged. You reach out and touch the wall next to you. When you touch it, you realize that you can see straight through it. There is no solid surface underneath your fingertips. The sensation is both weird and unnerving. You go out again and then encounter the devil himself. "Well, well, well!" the figure says in a deep, booming voice. "If it isn't Mrs. Smith." He smiles broadly and beckons you closer. "Come closer, Mrs. Smith. Come closer. I have something special for you. Something you will never forget." You are terrified. This is the Devil, after all. You back away and try to retreat, but you are unable to move. You watch helplessly as he closes the distance between you. "Please, don't hurt me! My husband's most likely worried because I've been out for so long!" you cry out, backing away even further. "Don't touch me!" Suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in your chest. You fall to the ground and lie motionless. The Devil approaches you slowly. "I'm sure you are wondering why you are feeling so ill?" he asks. "I'm dying!" you gasp weakly."What have you done to me?! Tell me!"
"That wasn't me who hurt you," he tells you. "I didn't cause you any harm. You are dying because you have sinned against the Lord. Every time you look at someone lustfully, you have insulted Him. And every time you disobey your husband, you insult God, and dishonor your marriage vows." "But I don't understand!" you protest feebly. "How can I be sick because of sins committed by others? That makes no sense." The Devil shakes his head sadly. "No, of course not. It doesn't make sense. How could a sinful woman expect her sickness to be cured by the Lord? No, you must suffer because of your own actions. For you, Mrs. Smith, suffering is the only cure. If I let you live, you would just bring more sin to others around you. If I let you die, something would happen to that husband of yours...." "Please don't do anything to my husband! Please! I'll do anything to keep him safe!" "Anything you say?" "Yes!" You said desperately.
"Anything!" "Very well, here's a gift in a box that you shall not open, but if you open it, there will be mysterious consequences..." the Devil says. "Goodbye." You start to head home with the mysterious box the devil gave you. You then put the box on the nightstand then went to bed, and you can feel the weight of your husband's arm draped across your body. You look at the clock. It is 3:24 am. "Dear, I'm sorry that I couldn't sleep," you whisper, trying to stay asleep. "What's going on?" your husband whispers back. "There was something strange outside my window. It looked like a key-shaped ring." "Are you alright?" he asks, concerned. "Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry. I just thought I saw something and got scared." "Sweetheart, I love you," he says, kissing your forehead. "I love you too," you whisper, hugging him.

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