Senior Class

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Alejandro Burromuerto (he/him) is the quoted 'King of the school', which, much like Heather Lin, he wears the title with pride. Being the king, he has many admirers of all different kinds, although he doesn't spend too much time focusing on them. He gets great grades, although rumor says that he's just charismatic enough that he can get away with bribery/cheating/etc. He's joined most of the sports teams the school has to offer, such as track, soccer, football, etc. These activities often keep him busy. He is dating Heather Lin, although there is tension that no one can explain.

Beth Fraiser (she/her) is a little bit of an outsider, not in terms of popularity, just more so in personality. She is a rather sweet girl, even if a little odd at times. She's in Lindsay Fulton's club, as Lindsay was the one who invited her. She's also the unofficial coach for the boy's basketball team. She also excels in her agriculture classes, seeing as she grew up on a farm (although she is pretty average in the rest of her classes). She has a boyfriend named Brady who's a freshman in university.

Bridgette Summers (she/her) is a kind and easy-going person, one teachers like in their classes. She also is a really good student and is a contender to graduate early. She works at an aquatic animal sanctuary and can often be seen on the beach when she's not at school. She's in the Home Ec class as well, helping out where she can, and she's on the swim team. She's been going out with Geoff Walker since their last year of middle school.

Cody Anderson (he/him) is classified as a geek, although he tries to be a cool guy. During his middle school years, he tried flirting with Gwen Morrison, although they never seemed interested. After entering high school, he backed off, taking the hint that she wasn't interested. He's joined the robotics club, as well as the study group created by Noah Kappor, and he helps out with sound and lighting for the theater, choir and band. He tried creating an anime club, but only Harold McGrady V joined, so he shut the group down. Whenever he wrote notes, he'd be unable to read them later, which is why he was doing poorly in his classes until he switched to taking notes on his laptop. Sierra Thompson also won't leave him alone, and that's something he hates.

Courtney Barlow (she/her) is the student council president, only decided because she got just a couple more votes than Heather Lin and Noah Kappor. She keeps busy with after-school activities. She's a member of the debate team, the theater department, the cheerleading team, she's a clarinet in the school's band, and she's a Soprano in the school's choir. She's very much a teacher's pet, always trying to go for extra credit, even if she doesn't need it. She's also very uptight. Things have to go exactly how she envisions them; otherwise, it's incorrect. It drives her classmates up the wall. She had momentary flings with Duncan Nelson in freshman year and Scott Ross, although neither lasted all too long.

Devon "DJ" Joseph (he/him) is a very caring student, often going above and beyond to help out where he can. He's head of the cooking club, which his mama, Mrs. Joseph, runs, as she's the Home Ec teacher. He also plays the flute in the school band. His group of friends consists of everyone, although he's most often seen with Bridgette Summers and Dawn Summerfield. He's very much a Mama's boy, although some people claim that he gets away with cheating in home ec, when he's just really good in those classes. He volunteers to help in different extracurriculars and even outside of school.

Duncan Nelson (he/him) is the resident 'bad boy' who seems more interested in ditching classes altogether or disrespecting the school staff and his fellow classmates. For these reasons, he can often be seen hanging out in detention or outside of school because of suspension. He makes a lot of threats, although most of them are never serious. Just threatening enough that people don't try to mess with him. He constantly and playfully teases Courtney Barlow and Gwen Morrison, although they are never amused. He claims to never care that they don't respond, cause it's way funnier when they inevitably do. 

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