Sophomore Class

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Amelia (Amy) Bennett (she/her) is a snarky and rude person. Believing she's both 'the beauty and brains' she holds herself up on this pedestal that she's better than people as long as she can take advantage of them. She's somewhat popular, as she can play nice when she feels she has to. She's a cheerleader and plays trumpet in band, except for jazz band, which she isn't in. Sammy Bennett does most of her homework for her, which is why she's doing well in school.

Brady "Beardo" Young (he/they) is a shy person. That is, until you get to know him. He doesn't talk to people unless he has to or he feels close enough to do so. Despite their quiet nature, they're really good with sound equipment, which is why he works as a student assistant for Carrie Hill, the choir teacher. He also helps with the sound design for concerts and shows. He's in the band as percussion.

Dave Kumar (he/him) is uptight, a little pessimistic, and critical of himself and others. Despite these facts, he does mean well and can show compassion. He's more of a logical thinker, shown as most of his classes are fairly good grades. He has severe misophonia (the fear of germs and contamination), and it affects his day to day life. Because of these reasons, he has very few friends, such as Sky Mahikan and Ella Prince. He had a crush on Sky Mahikan the year prior, but after being rejected (many times), he finally took the hint and stopped asking her out.

Ella Prince (she/her) is an enthusiastic and happy girl who just wants everyone to be happy. You can often hear her humming some sort of tune while doing homework. While she can make friends with most, Sugar Bates does not like her (and Ella is unaware of that fact). Ella is a soprano in choir, plays flute in band, and performs in the theater.

Jasmine Campbell (she/her) is an outgoing foreign exchange student from Australia. She can seem intimidating, although she really is just trying to be a good leader. She is compassionate to people who show her trust and/or respect her, acting as a mom friend to those she's close to. She was placed onto the school's basketball team, although that wasn't by choice. She did, however, join track by choice, and she also joined band with a bassoon and joined the debate team.

Leonard Abraham (he/they) is a student with good intentions, although that might not come across. He's very passionate about tabletop roleplay, and will often be heard talking about it. Heck, he does a ton of school projects on it. He also plays with his best friend, Tammy Cook, who lives thousands of miles away. They play online, along with the rest of their party. Despite his good intentions, he isn't exactly popular by any means. He does, however, do fairly well in school.

Maxwell "Max" Scott (he/him) is a rambunctious student, often giving long monologues during class. He almost competes with Staci with how long he talks. While he isn't exactly the smartest kid in their class, his knowledge on technology and how technology works is endless. He has landed himself in the principal's office more times than he can count for some...questionable statements. The only club he's in is robotics. 

Rodney Farmer (he/him) is a rather sweet and caring man, even if his intelligence leaves some to be desired. Despite his caring nature, he tends to take kindness as a sign of a crush, so he falls for everyone. He is a farm boy through and through, and he often talks about what it's like.

Samantha "Sammy" Bennett (she/they) is a kind, but timid student, who often gets the roughest treatment from her twin, Amy Bennett. Despite the harsh treatment from her twin, Sammy still does try to be her own person, and while she isn't popular, she does have a group of friends who care about her.. While she is in band like the other, she plays clarinet for concert and marching, and she plays piano for jazz. She's joined choir as an alto. She was also asked to join the cooking club by DJ, and she happily accepted.

Scarlett O'Connor (she/her) is an absolute genius. With a GPA well above 4.0, she could very easily skip grades if she wanted. She chooses not to, as of yet, saying she wants the experience to study how high schoolers are, whatever that means. She, at first, declined the offer of a spot in the study group, saying that it wouldn't help her any, before she reluctantly joined, just for the fun of it. She's also in robotics. She often seems annoyed with Max's behavior, less so with Staci.

Shawn Wood (he/they) is a bit of an odd character to try and categorize. In his elementary and part of his secondary learnings, he had a crippling case of voth necrophobia (the fear of things that are, or are reminiscent of, dead) and kinemortophobia (the fear of things that are, or are things reminiscent of, the undead). Because of this, he trained himself day in and day out to prepare for the apocalypse, whenever that'd be. Because of his athleticism, he was recruited to the track team. His phobias are currently being treated, and now they are no longer as restraining. He has a group of friends that support him through it all.

Sky Mahikan (she/her, is fine with she/they) is a team player who strives to see the best in everyone. She's encouraging to those around her, unless they trash talk or use foul play to get ahead. She has a strong sense of sportsmanship, and her teammates appreciate that. She's on the track team and basketball team.

Sugar Bates (she/her) has a loud and extravagant personality. This is likely from all her years participating in beauty pageants. Speaking of beauty pageants, that is what all of her school projects are on, and yet she somehow always has a different story. Most of her classmates find her annoying, honestly. She's joined the fashion club, only to talk about the things she'd wear at pageants.

Topher Star (he/him) has a bit of an arrogant personality. He keeps saying that this schooling won't help him in the future as a tv host. The principal, Chris Mclean, seems to like him enough, so he usually doesn't get in trouble for not paying attention or straight up ditching classes to work on his 'tv personality'. Sugar Bates seems to share similar thoughts on 'the hollywood life', and everyone hates listening to it. Despite the fact he doesn't pay attention, he somehow gets all these good grades. He's also joined the fashion club, but it's mostly to ridicule people's designs, saying it isn't very showbiz. 

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