Chapter 4 - "Penny for your thoughts..."

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POV: Alex

I sat on the porch watching as Ash and Scarlett left. What an eventful evening. I cannot believe how much of a bitch Scarlett's mom was, and in front of everyone. It's so peaceful here, maybe one day I will have a home here in the Hamptons.

"Penny for your thoughts, soldier?"

I turned to see Lizzie leaning against the door with a beer and a glass of wine.

"Just thinking of how peaceful it is here, and maybe one day, living here myself."

"Are you ok?" she asked, as she handed me the beer.

"Oh yea, I'm good. I'm used to homophobic assholes. I just ignore them."

"You shouldn't have to deal with that and neither should Ash. You are both people, and ugh, I just hate closed minded people."

"Unfortunately, there are a lot like Melanie, but there are a lot more like Ashlyn and her family. I just choose to ignore the haters. They are not worth my time and energy."

"True, so very true." I felt her sit down next to me, laying her head on my shoulder. "Why doesn't Ashlyn wear her Medal?"

I sigh, remembering the day she received the award. "She never thought she deserved it. She will say she was just doing her job, or she was just doing what any one of us would have done. She would say she is no one special. Her Father and I were there when the President hung it around her neck. I was so proud of her."

"Oh wow, I imagine that was quite an honor."

"Oh it is. It's funny to watch her now, even though she doesn't wear it, she still has to wear the blue ribbon on her uniform. I've seen hardened service men and women salute her when she enters the room. It truly is an honor to be in the presence of someone with that honor."

"I'm just honored I got to finally meet her. Scarlett told me so much about her, about them as kids. I felt like I knew her, and then to allow me to show up, uninvited." She lowered her head and I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"Hey, Hey, none of that." I said as I wrapped my arm around her.

"I'm sorry, just a moment of feeling sorry for myself. When it gets quiet, my mind likes to run through the why's, or how inadequate I am. I mean, there has to be a reason Robbie kept cheating on me, hell, even my ex Boyd cheated on me. What is wrong with me?!?" she sobbed.

"Liz, Liz, Lizzie," I said as I pulled her into my lap, letting her cry.

"I'm sorry Alex, I didn't mean to drag you into my pity party. I'm not normally like this, just a lot has happened in the last 24 hours."

"It's fine, Liz. Let me ask you something personal, you don't have to answer, but I'm curious."

"Ok, ask away."

"Why do you think you're the inadequate one?"

"I don't know, I just feel like maybe I'm bad at sex, or maybe I'm not good enough, thats why they keep cheating on me. Maybe if I did more, or initiated it, I wouldn't be here now."

"What do you mean?"

"Ugh, why am I spilling my guts to you?!?" she laughed. "I don't know Alex, like the last time Robbie and I actually had sex, it was awful. I had planned this whole romantic evening for us, because he was leaving for a tour, and I was about to start press for this movie. I made us a romantic dinner, bought new lingerie, and when he got home, I could smell the alcohol on him. I was so upset with him, and he passed out while we were, ya know." she said blushing and looking away.

"Ms. Olsen, there is nothing wrong with you. It sounds like he is the one with the problem."

"I've often wondered if my career hadn't taken off, if Boyd and I would still be together."

"Liz, your career has nothing to do with it. If they truly loved you, and wanted to be with you, they would have been proud, and supportive of your career."

"Alex, you don't understand, my life is insane. I move from one project to another. These Marvel films are very demanding, and I'm often gone for months at a time. It makes a relationship hard."

"But I do get it. Lizzie, look at what I do for a living. I got my fair share of Dear John letters while I was overseas. Women like the thrill of a soldier, until they realize what it entails. Often months apart, and the constant fear I won't come back, but I truly believe if two people love each other, they will make every effort to make it work. Look at Ash and Scar."

"I thought you were JAG, like Ash?"

"I am, but I'm also a chief investigator. I'm often the one they send to look into the charges. I'm actually training a new investigator to take over."

"Oh, ok, that makes sense." she said, turning and straddling my lap. "How much longer do you have?"

"Like Ash, I will retire with 25 years in August of 2027. Has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful eyes?"

She blushed and smiled, looking back at me. "Here I was going to say the same thing. I've never seen eyes the color of yours."

We both stared at each other, as I took a swig of my beer, then setting it down, watching as she shifted closer to me, resting her hands on my abs, as she leaned in, placing a soft kiss on my lips. She leaned back, looking in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," she said.

I smiled, reaching forward cupping her cheeks and connecting our lips again. This kiss was slow, passionate, she wrapped her arms around my neck. I gently ran my tongue across her lips, and she allowed me access as I deepened the kiss, pulling her closer.

Her fingers played with the hair on my neck, while mine caressed her back. We pulled apart as air became a problem, our foreheads together.

"Alex, I really like you. I want you so bad, it's all I can think about." she whispered.

"Lizzie, I really like you too, and I'm gonna hate myself for stopping this, but I think we should wait. I want you too, but I want to do this right."

"God, how are you so perfect?" she whispered.

"Listen, how about we go upstairs and get some sleep. It's been a long day."

"Can I sleep with you? I feel so safe in your arms."

"Of course. I would love nothing more than to cuddle you." I stood up, letting her slide down my body, taking her hand, I led us upstairs. "I'm gonna change and I'll meet you in your room, ok?" I said to her.

"Ok, I'll be waiting."


POV: Lizzie

God, what the hell am I doing?!? I thought as I changed into some shorts and a big t-shirt. I cannot deny it anymore. I am extremely attracted to her. Her turning me down made her even more attractive.

Most men and women would have jumped at the chance to take me to bed, but not her. God, I know she wants me, I felt her bulge when I slid down her body. She is so gentle, so kind. I'm lost in my thoughts, when I hear a light knocking, as she enters my room. She is wearing simple sleep shorts and a t-shirt as she walks towards me.

"Come on Ms Olsen, let's get some rest," she said, pulling me into her arms. I feel so safe. We crawled into the bed, she lay on her back as I snuggled into her side.

"Good Night Alex, thank you for tonight."

"Good Night sweet Lizzie, you are quite welcome."

I drifted off to sleep, with dreams of a certain Major running through my head.


A/N: Ohhh things are heating up... hmmmm

Word Count: 1317

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