Story 2: Road Trip!

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I was on my way to California with three of my greatest friends. We were taking a road trip over there and now we just needed a place to stay. When we were driving around looking for where we can spend the night, we saw a house that was renting out a room. We didn't realize how big the house was until we drove up to it. It was more like a mansion. The huge building towered over our car. When we drove up to the drive way and got out of the car an old man greeted us from the door. The old man had a wide nervous smile on his face and his eye darted to us and back towards the house.

"The name's Pete. I'm the owner of this here house." He walked up to me and reached out his hand.

"I'm John. These are my pals William, James, and Saul. We're interested in renting out a room." I reached out and shook Pete's hand.

"Well I've got some rooms available. Grab your stuff and follow me in." All four of us grabbed our bags and marched after the old man as he went into the house. When we all were inside Pete started to laugh nervously and directed us to place our bags by the mansion's huge front door. It seemed to happen all at once. The doors slammed shut and Pete threw himself on the floor crying. Every light in the house was turned off. Everything was silent except for Pete's wailing.

"Are these men good enough? I can get better! Please!"

The old man was begging at the ceiling, we didn't know what to think of it. William tried to pry open the doors, but they wouldn't move an inch. Saul began to hyperventilate while James tried to snap him out of his panicked state. The old man went silent. He fell onto the floor face first. A minute paste and all four of us just stared at his body. All of a sudden he snapped up to his feet and ran straight towards me. His face was inches away from mine, his eyes stared straight past me.

He leaned to the side and whispered into my ear, "survive the night and you shall escape the house." He then fell backwards onto the floor, lifeless.

William walked towards Pete's body and looked down at him. "The fuck do you think he was saying." He grabbed Pete and picked him up. He began shaking Pete's shoulders. "Wake up you old fart!" The old man's mouth popped open and let out a squeak. A black creature, it looked kind of like a six legged mouse, jumped out of his mouth and landed on William's shoulder. He yelped and dropped the old man's body. He tried to grab for the creature. I ran up to him and tried to yank it off. It crawled up onto his head and bit a chunk off from his ear. William screamed and the little mouse thing took the opportunity to crawl into his mouth. Just like that it disappeared. William bent forwards and began vomiting out blood. He fell face first into the bloody puddle. With one glance and his lifeless body all three of us sprinted up the stairs. While we ran up the flight of stairs a rope flung out towards James. It grappled around his neck and flung him away from us. The rope hung him under a chandelier that was placed over the main room. It was just me and Saul now. We ran towards the first room we saw, the kitchen. I ran through the doorway first, right before Saul did the same his knees collapsed and there was a loud snap. His head was completely turned to the side in a position it really shouldn't be in. His body fell onto the kitchen floor. I sprinted to a cupboard crawled inside and made sure the door wouldn't be able to move an inch. Hours past and I stayed in the cramped cupboard. After a long while I could finally ear birds chirping, night had past, I had survived. Jumping out of the cupboard I sprinted out of the kitchen. Past Saul's hunched up body and James hanging lifeless under the chandelier. Around William's blood covered body and the dead old man. I ran straight out the front door and I didn't stop until I reached the road. I bent down and began kissing the street. My life almost ended in that terrible mansion. Now, now it was finally safe. Something honked nearby me. I turned around to see a semi-truck going 30 miles per hour a few feet away from me. So much for surviving.


In the main room of the house Pete picked himself up and looked at the dead bodies around him. With a thin smile he began cleaning up the blood and disposing the bodies. He couldn't wait for his next visitors.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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