↞Chapter 4↠

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Authors Note: from now on POV will change ocasionally, but will remain in third person.

Caramel and Dark Choco finally got back to her apartment, they placed all of the bags down on the couch before caramel lets out a long sigh of exhaustion. "damn, how can you carry all that weight and still be fine?!" She said, looking at dark choco like he wasnt human. "I can life about ten times my own weight, its just something i can do." He said, soon going through and sorting his new wardrobe.

Caramel groaned and sat on the only free space on the couch, she rubbed her arms in pain. "you could have just asked me to take all the other bags" He said, looking at a turtle neck shirt with no sleves, he sets that one aside. "yeah? Well I didnt think you could lift that much, besides, I dont NEED someone to help me" She said, crossing her legs and leaning further back.

Dark choco paused in tbe middle of looking at a pair of jeans, he glanced at caramel, the sets the jeans aside ontop of the turtle neck. "I never said you didnt need help, but asking for help is a good thing. Wether you like it or not." He said, quite solemnly.

The man soon sighed, shaking his head, then picking up the two peices of clothing he picked out. "I'll be back." He then walked off without another word.

Caramel huffed and sat there, leaning into the couch further. She stared at where He was standing previously.

After a few moment she shook her head and stood up, deciding to just grab an extra suit case for her new companion and let him choose what he wanted to bring. After that, she turned her phone on and started doom scrolling. Just- thinking.

He missed her, he wanted to love her again. She was standing right there! But he couldnt, how could he? He saw her die the day the world of magic began to vanish, she fell down into the licorice sea, trying to race back to save more people.

And yet here she was, Alive. He didnt know what kind of dark magic this was, but it hurt him in so meny ways.

He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. The scars all along his biseps and forearms were visible to the public eye, he hated it, but he had to deal with it.

He sighed. Standing stright up and rubbing his arms, feeling cold and exposed without his cloak, but he knew it wouldnt make sense if he walked around with giant shoulder pads and a cloak while wearing modern clothing. So he had to leave his cloak and shoulder pads behind.

He walked out, still rubbing his arms and shoulder in discomfort, he never knew why he loved the weight of his shoulder pads and the warmth of his cloak, or why it brought so much comfort to him, but he felt almost naked without his cloak.

He saw Caramel staring at that small device in her hands again, she seems so disconnected and unfocused. He sighed and started to pace around, still rubbing his arms. "you alright?" He heard her say, he looked over at her and just nods. "yeah, im fine. Just- cold." He said, still pacing around.

He saw caramel pull something out from his new large wardrobe and pulled out a large and long jacket, Tossing it over to him. He caught it and looked at it, He wanted to ask what it was, but he was afraid of being judge. "its a trudge coat, maybe it could be a good replacer for your shoulder pads and cloak." She suggested, He just made a grunt of acknowlagement.

He pulls the jacket on him, and after a little bit of shifting around in his coat, he felt comfortable again. The weight may not have been as great as his shoulder pads, but it was enough to satisfy the annoying voice in the back of his head.

He lets out a releived sigh, gripping the lepel of the jacket and pulling it closer to his body. he heard a small giggle from caramel, "You must really like big things." She said, setting down her odd device. Dark choco just shook his head and lets his jacket go "Ive never been comfortable with wearing light clothing, it has always bothered me. Its why my shoulder pads are so large, they create weight on my shoulders, its-" "Comforting?"

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