#18 (John)

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You're walking down the street, with one of your friends, John. But that's all you ever wanted to be; friends. John is quieter that usual. Usually, he's talking your ear off about the latest gig he got at the Cavern, but he was just aimlessly looking off into nowhere, being the person he was. You try to make some polite conversation:

"Sooo... Paul doin' anything?"

"His girlfriend."

You slap John on his arm.

"I have to be careful about what I say to you, John; you'll be makin' all these conotations if I don't stop you!"

More awkward silence passes.

You start humming as a way to break it. One of Elvis' hits should do the trick...

"What's that your singin'?" He asks.

"A song. What's it look like, Junior?"

"Okay, first of all, I'm not 'Junior'. I'm John, in case you haven't met me. And second of all, I don't know if your one of the 'special' children, but here in England we don't see sound: we hear it."

You got more out of his trap than you wanted. And he was harsh.


"What was that?"

"Nothing."*pretend coughing* "Jerk-Face!"*pretend coughing*

"I'm not a 'Jerk-Face', just so you know. I happen to be a well-respected individual in this city." He said, in his posh accent.

"By who? The Burners? The Wasteoids? The Alchies?"

"By you, of course."

"Who said I respected you?"

You didn't mean to sound as harsh as you did, but you didn't excuse yourself for it. His reply only made you feel worse...

"Leah? Do you really mean that? Your just joking, right?"

"Yeah, of course. Everything's a joke with you."

He sounded...hurt. As if you didn't actually mean that. But something deep down fueled the comments to come harsher, and harsher...and harsher.

"What? What's wrong? Is there something bothering you? I'm not usually one to care, but that hurts."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't like it when people correct me."

"Okay. I've got a question for you."


"Okay, well... there's this girl I like..."

"I'm so shocked."

He continues.

"And she doesn't seem to get the message that I do like her. Its kinda hard to tell her, because I've been harboring these feeling for a while now. I need your advise on how to tell her."

"Well, if I were you, I would go straight up to her, and kiss her on the lips. I think she'll get the message then."

"Alright," he said, sounding unsure."If you say so."

Your taken aback by his words, and before you say 'pickles dilled in beet juice', he kisses you. You're startled, and pull away.
All you can do is stare. I wish I could say you clung to him and kissed him again. I wish I could say you 'loved him to'. But as we're taught from the day were born, we have to be honest. And I can honestly say, you did neither of those things. You just stared. And stared. And stared.

You were lost in his expression which felt like hours. Many agonizing hours. But as the seconds ticked on, his expression changed; it turned from a partial smile, to a crestfallen and heartbroke frown that was open mouthed a little.
Your heart ached to see him like this, it truly hurt you. You wanted to say yes to him, just to change his heart broken frown, but as I said before, since the day we're born, we're taught to be honest. And that's how you replied. Honestly.

"John...please. I wish I could, but...oh, I'm so sorry! I really wish I could, I honestly do, but... it wouldn't be true. All I want is to remain friends, but I don't see how now."

"Its okay."

Your convinced to your core, that as soon as he said 'okay' that a small tear glittered in his eye, a tear a child would make over the loss of a part of them, like a grandparent, or a friend. A really, honestly, great friend.

You tried to pull him into a hug, but he resisted. John never, ever resists hugs, especially if your in private.

"I'm so sorry! I wish that it could be any other way, but...oh, I'm so sorry! I just...just... I just don't feel that way too."

And that's when it happened. You saw something you never thought possible. John was... crying. Legit crying.

He stumbled on his feet as he tried to run to a tree to sit. You run after him. As soon as he hits that tree, the waterworks are put on at full blast. You rub his back, hoping that he'll be soothed by it. Then you start to hum. A sweet tune, one of your own thought. His crying ceases. He looks up at you with red, swollen eyes. He hums with you. He then starts making lyrics with you.
He starts:

"And of all these friends and lovers *sniffle* there is no one, compares with you." And so on.

Towards the end of the song, you finish the lyrics.

"In my life, I love you more."

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