Chapter 10

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The Last Mile


When they donʼt feel that, no matter what happens, they donʼt stop driving until they reach the very last mile theyʼve been waiting for.

Mile 11: Alright! You’re now on the last mile, its the home stretch guys, congratulations… now just don’t die. Once you reach the 11th mile your car will lose power once again but don’t worry it will still be moving forward and you will see a glowing red light up ahead growing larger and larger.

They watched the driveway. In the distance, they could see a red light, signaling that it might be the end of the mile.

Before the light consumes you, close your eyes, cover them with your hands if you need to. It will also help if you cover your ears as well, but your eyes are more important you must whatever you can to keep your eyes shut.

The friends frowned. How can they close their eyes while driving, or how can they cover their ears if their hands are on the steering wheel?

The next 31 seconds, or hours depending on how you feel, will be the most terrifying, painful, and most unbelievable time in your life. If you ever been to burning man… it’s kind of close. You will endure blood-curdling screaming, and the most horrendous of voices and noises from hell itself will surround you you must hold on to your sanity for there is no way to block it out.

“What?” Archer exclaimed as he heard the blood-curdling screams or some other noise again, and they all fell silent as they suddenly heard the screams again. Like the scream that Emil and Archer heard while at Mile No. 4, they heard the same thing now that they were inside the car and almost all of them were horrified by what they heard.

The screams didnʼt stop, coming from outside their car and when they looked back from the backseat or looked at every closed window they didnʼt see anything, but Emil sensed that someone was following them from behind. Heʼs not sure but thatʼs what he feels and thatʼs not all, he wants to ignore those screams but he seems to be deafened by the loud voices that seem to be right in front of his ears. “Oh my gosh! That freaking scream again,” Maia whispered then looked around. He was looking out the window even though it wasnʼt being opened, and he felt a sense of relief as they neared the end of the game challenge.

The once cold surroundings will turn into a burning inferno feeling as if your skin is melting off of your bones. Do not worry and keep your eyes shut you will survive this ordeal, just simply keep your eyes shut.

Archer shook his head. He didnʼt really know how to close his eyes, if his friends who were just sitting could do it, but he was driving, it was very impossible because if he closed his eyes, they might even have an accident. “Is it really required to do this?” he said in surprise as his eyes focused on the road.

They also feel that they are gradually getting warmer, the very cold air around them is disappearing. “What are those red lights for?” Raquel asked when she saw that it was already lit up where they were passing. “I donʼt have an idea. Maybe that's the sign that the mile might be over,” They werenʼt one-hundred percent sure if the ritual was really over, or if there was something else that was going to happen besides the hair-raising screams that until now still not stopping... just in Emilʼs mind now.

He does not know why or what is happening to him. He wanted to take his hands off the steering wheel to cover his ears but he couldnʼt. He couldnʼt remove his hands from there, he held her even tighter and endured the deafening screams as if the voice was only inside his car.

Once youʼve made it through the mile then you will be finished and your car will start again… even though it will look like it shouldn’t. You can stop your car now, take a breath and calm yourself for you have made it through.

The 11 Miles Ritual: Clinton Road At Midnight [Published Under Ukiyoto]Where stories live. Discover now