Short Story

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Midoriya sighed softly as he grabbed his wine glass of the bar counter and glided across the wooden floors, listening to them creak under his weight. The dusk light peeking through the sheer drapes illuminated the otherwise dreary room. It flickered and glinted against the deep emerald accents of his suit as he reclined against the deep cherry coloured couch. His hands gently skimmed over the velvety fabric before tracing the pattern of the mahogany wood. It felt cool to the touch unlike the softness of the couch. He looked out the window towards the deep forest surrounding them and the sky, which was painted with soft lilacs and apricots from the setting sun. 'Such a gorgeous night, isn't it? It will surely be one to remember' Deku smiled softly, almost reminicent of his younger self before a muffled sob broke the silence. His head snapped towards the middle of the room as he smirked.

'Oh, silly me. How can you answer me with that gag still on?' Deku says as he staunters towards his friends and pulls the gag away from Bakugou's mouth. He coughs and heaves for fresh air as Midoriya takes his place back on the sofa, lounging across it elegantly. 'What the fuck do you want from us?!' Bakugou yells. Midoriya's jade eyes suddenly darken. 'Oh? You don't remember?' Midoriya says innocently. 'Maybe I need to jog your memory' Midoriya smiles as 2 bodyguards slam Bakugou, chest first into the floor, one holds around his neck tightly. 'Starting to remember now ~Kacchan~?' Midoriya drew out the nickname like venom on his tongue. 'I considered you all my friends before you turned on me' Midoriya says throwing his arms out to gesture at the rest of class 1A tied up on the floor. His wine sloshes over the side of his glass and splatters onto the floor.

'When news spread of a traitor within the hero course, you all turned on each other like a pack of wild animals' Midoriya says taking a sip from his wine. 'Taking anything that could be held against someone like a vulture to a carcass. You picked apart everything till there was nothing left until... You started circling me. Using what I loved and cherished to your advantage. Burning my notebooks, tormenting me but it wasn't enough for you vultures. It wasn't enough to get me kicked out of UA. No...' Midoriya says as he glares at Bakugou. 'I would've taken death over what you all did to me' Midoriya glances over where someone of 1A's eyes are filled with tears and Deku can hear a faint whimper. 'We're sorry Deku... We didn't know' Uraraka whimpers. 'Don't!... use that silly pet name on me. I don't care for your pathetic apologies, not after you had my own teacher tie me up like a criminal. How you all tortured me for weeks on end until I spilled information I never had' Midoriya grimaced as he took another sip of his wine, letting the sweet flavour coax his tongue.

He gracefully got back up and stauntered to the bar. 'So what? This is just about revenge? You couldn't hurt a damn fly you spineless nerd!' Bakugou yelled as Midoriya spun on his toes, wine bottle in hand. He walked over before sliding down onto his knees and placing the bottle on the floor. He grabbed Bakugou's face forcefully, looking deep into his eyes. 'You of all people should know that statement isn't true' Midoriya laughed in his face. 'I mean... It was you who started those rumours about me to begin with. Isn't that right Katsuki? Hmm?' Midoriya hummed as he got back up and snatched up the wine bottle, pouring another glass. 'You couldn't handle that someone could be above you in every way you could comprehend. You let your ego blind you, believed that adoration was disdain. In the end, you caused your own downfall' Midoriya laughed.

'What a beautiful piece of poetry that is!' Midoriya swirled around, careful of the glass in his hand. 'You, Katsuki, ended yourself. Your selfish actions will be the death of you. All because you believed you are superior but you can't keep that silly ego in check and now, you've lost everything! Your friends, your family, your title, your goals, your ambitions. They've all come crashing down like a house on fire!' Midoriya laughed as quiet sobs filled the eerily silent hall. 'And don't think I forgot about the rest of you' Midoriya says looking over the group, huddled behind Bakugou. Some sobbed quietly, muffled through their gags, their cheeks were tear stained and Midoriya enjoyed watching the panic that filled their eyes. 'You all turned on me, tormented me... tortured me' Midoriya says as his voice lowers, he spits out the words with distaste. 'Although it is truely ironic. You tried to rid your class of the monster while you, yourselves, ended up becoming the very monsters you were hunting' Midoriya cackled.

'I truely held out faith for you all. That you would have a change of heart and realise your mistakes, come to your senses but as the days passed and the torture never ceased I began to lose faith. I grew a deep hatred for you all and for the so called 'hero society'' Midoriya abhorred. 'I would kill you all but death seems like such an easy release compared to the suffering I had to endure' Midoriya laughs wickedly. 'But it seems like I'm running out of time. So I would like to introduce you to someone, the true traitor of the hero course, the monster you were all so desperate to find' Midoriya smiles widely as the doors swing open and a young girl comes running into the room and jumps into Midoriya's arms. 'Mido-kun!' Eri squeals. Her hair sits tidely in two space buns and her dress is a deep crimson colour, accented with black and gold swirls. 1A looks on in shock as Midoriya swoops the young girl up into his arms and coddles her. 'Yes, It was Eri this entire time. No one would've suspected her to be a spy, a traitor...' Midoriya laughs as he balances Eri on his hip. 'No...' Uraraka sobs. 'Yes my dear Uraraka. The young, sweet, traumatized child that you let into your dorms, your classrooms and your hearts was your final downfall, the piece that led you to me' Midoriya laughed as they walked towards the doors. 'I ended up becoming the monster you all thought I was and now, you are all going to suffer like I did. Goodluck 1A. Plus Ultra!' Midoriya laughed as the doors slammed shut behind him.

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