White Wolf

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"Amelia! Can you come down for a minute?" Mom said from downstairs. I sighed and set my book


"What is it?" I asked once I got down there.

"Bella is coming over so I want you to play nice, okay?"

"But Momma." I whined in annoyance. I didn't like Bella at all. She smelled weird to me and she kept

looking at me like I was some sort of freak. If I had any say in it, I'd say she was the freak because she was the one dating a vampire.

"Amelia." Edward hissed at me. I growled back at him without missing a beat. It's true and you know it, Eddie.

"I thought I told you to keep those thoughts to yourself."

"I thought I told you to keep out of my head." I spat, my temper flaring. I did not like Edward since he

started dating that stupid human of his.

"Stop talking about Bella like that." Edward growled.

"Stop invading my privacy."

"Are they going at it again?" I heard Dad ask.

"Yes," Mom sighed. "Amelia, Edward. We've went over this like a thousand times already. Amelia, please try to control your thoughts about the human around Edward. And Edward, please keep your mouth shut. I don't think Esme would appreciate another vase or something valuable being broken because you set off Amelia again."

"Fine." Edward hissed and then ran at vampire speed upstairs.

I snorted and it was hard to keep the smirk off of my face.

"You are not off the hook, young lady." Mom said giving me a look.

I huffed and crossed my arms across my chest.

"But Momma." I whined again.

"No buts. You know better."

"I'm sorry. I'll try not to do it again." I said even though I had no intention of doing that.

"She's lying, Rosalie!" I heard Edward yell from upstairs.

Damn it, Edward! I'm going to rip your stupid head off one day.

"Now she's threatening me."

I could feel my hands start to shake and my control to stay in my human form start to deteriorate quickly so I ran towards the back door and jumped outside, shifting in midair.

"Not again." I heard Mom mumbled from inside the house.

I landed on my paws and saw the familiar white that was my fur. My coloring was helpful in the winter time because it was easier for me to blend in with the snow, compared to the green and brown landscape of the summer time. I tended to stick out like a sore thumb this time of year.

I let out a soft howl and I started to roll around in the grass, just to piss off Mom.

"Amelia! How many times have I told you not to do that!" I heard her scold me from inside the house. I pretended like I didn't hear her and continued to do it until my fur was covered in dirt.

I let out a whine when I heard the human's loud truck pull into the driveway. I covered my ears with my paws until the human finally had the decency to turn off her truck.

I trotted into the forest so the human couldn't see me and waited until she got back in the house to come out of the trees.

I saw Mom come outside and I snorted at the look on her face. It was scrunched up.

White WolfWhere stories live. Discover now