Jill's Turn

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'Wow, we've slept late', Joe exclaimed, 'It's almost noon', he said, running his hand down Jill's bare arm. The excitement of the bill finally passing the House two days ago and the ensuing flurry of media interviews and videos he recorded meant the weekend had passed in a whirr. When it was all over by yesterday evening Joe was relieved. Finally he felt he could relax a little, gather some rest before the rush for the midterms. He and Jill had taken some time alone yesterday, sitting by the pool, alone, unseen, they had just taken some time to breathe the sea air and be together. To laugh and relax, to chat and just hang out. Looking at his watch now Joe realized that his body had responded to the down time by sleeping soundly for twelve hours straight. He kissed Jill's bare shoulder, ran his fingers lightly down his face. Nothing. He frowned. Usually she would lift her face to his, reach for a kiss. They always started their day with a good morning kiss, even if they had quarreled it didn't matter. They never fought so hard that they held it over until morning. They loved each other too much for that. They both knew the waste of lost time together.

Jill was quiet, she hadn't responded to him at all, hadn't moved but he knew she was awake. 'You ok baby?', he asked, pressing a gentle kiss to her head. 'Uuuuugh', was all the reply he got. She burrowed closer to him, deeper into his embrace, as if wanting him to care for her, to protect her. 'I don't feel too good honey', she said, her voice low. 'Baby. What's wrong? How do you feel?' Joe asked, concern flooding his voice. He shifted a little, trying to see her better. 'I just feel sick, my throat is sore and my shoulders ache and I just want to sleep', she murmured. He was instantly on guard. He held her but his mind whirred back through the events of the past few days. Bike rides, time on the beach, a picnic, long lunches with the family, numerous lazy naps together. The bill had passed the House on Friday and they had extra staff in to watch and celebrate together; he'd gone to the golf club to film a video. Jill and Melissa had gone shopping yesterday. He wondered if she had picked up something then. His mind spun, settling quickly on the possibility of Covid. He wondered about the prevalence of it in the area. He bit his lip, hoping it was just a summer cold. She was asleep in his arms again, seemingly exhausted. They'd have to wait and see. He'd make sure she took an antigen test before she saw anyone else. Just to be on the safe side, he thought to himself.

When they finally got up Jill's aches and pains were no better. She was lethargic, just felt miserable. Joe helped her shower and dress, she seemed to have so little energy that the smallest task was a huge undertaking. He was worried. Joe insisted she take a test before she left their bedroom. He held her hand as they waited. It was negative. He was glad obviously, relieved, but was still suspicious. The symptoms were more than he had had when he tested positive; he wasn't fully sold.

Jill felt horrible. The afternoon passed in a blur for her. She couldn't concentrate on anything. Her head was stuffy, her nose runny, her throat sore. But the tiredness was the worst. She simply felt exhausted. She was so glad Joe was there, he seemed to be able to interpret every half spoken sentence, he preempted what she needed before she even had to ask. She heard him and Hunter talking in the room next door, was vaguely aware that Hunter and Melissa had taken Beau out for the day, giving her some quiet, allowing her to just be miserable in peace. To be completely vulnerable with the man who made everything better. The man who understood her more than anyone else. The man who would do anything for her. Joe was simply marvelous. He curled up on the couch with her, holding her close when she wanted. Sat on the floor by the sofa when he insisted she lie across it and sleep. Kept a constant supply of tissues by her side. Cleared the used ones away. Made her take drinks. Helped her to the bathroom when she felt so tired she could hardly lift her head from the cushion. Made her eat, even when she didn't want to. By evening she wasn't any better, had no appetite, and felt completely drained. Joe helped her into bed early, did another test, still negative. He still wasn't convinced.

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