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Athena's Pov

I'm dating a mafia boss, just to put it out there. We met in high school four years ago when I got transferred from Spain to Italy due to my mom's work. I met Gio on my fifth day in the new school, he was just too lazy to start school.
I was a bit of a nerd -and still am- and I got bullied by this group of girls for just reading a book by myself, minding my business in the hallway. The girls got physical, ripping my book apart, throwing my bag to the side and calling me bunch of horrible names. Then Gio got involved, ordering the girls off by a simple command and they were running away, crying. Since that day, I haven't been apart from him.

Now we live at a gorgeous house together, Gio has few companies and is doing whatever a mafia boss does. It's actually quite hilarious how everyone is walking on eggshells around him, scared that he might do something. while I work at a library. And that leads us to what I'm doing right now, I'm registering new books to the library's system at home. And lasty, Gio is being a big baby.

"Pleaseeee, Athena~~" Gio whined, yanking on my sleeve to get me to look at him. "I'm sorry, baby, but I need to get this finished today" I avert my eyes just for a second, cupping his chin and leaving a little peck on his lips, then turning back to my computer. "Oh come on~ you still have time to do it later" he layed his head on my shoulder, sighing deeply. "That's very true..." I trailed off. His head perked up, ready to sprint into our bedroom. "But I'd prefer to do it now, so I don't have to worry about it" he grunted, falling back on the floor by me.

"It's only 11am!" He whined, kicking his feet like a baby. My baby~ "I just need an hour, then I'm all yours~" I turn around, facing my scary mafia boyfriend. "Promise?" His lip curled, forming an adorable pout and putting his hand out with his pinky directed towards me. "Yes, I promise, baby" I lock our pinkies together, sealing the promise. "Fine then" he sighed heavily, his eyes finding mine. "You're so beautiful~" he whispered, leaning towards and sealing our lips together.

"Now off you go~" before he got too carried away with the kissing I mumbled against his lips, placing my hands on his chest to pull away. "Ugh" he grunted, rolling his eyes and getting up from the floor. "I'm counting!" He yelled over his shoulder, exiting our library. Giddy giggles left my mouth as I watched him leave. Butterflies filled my stomach just like the first day I met him, but before I got too carried away, I had to get back to work.

Hour on dot, the silence in the library was broken by a loud, cheery yell by none other than Gio. "Times up, gorgeous!!" Just in time I was done with work, closing my computer and putting the books aside. "I was- Gio!!" I squealed, feeling myself being picked up from the floor, strong arms wrapping around my waist. "It's Gio time now!" He chuckled, turning me around in his arms so i was face to face with him, my arms and legs wrapped around him. He began walking, leading us out of the library and to the open room downstairs. Men working for us lined the walls, each of their heads falling down as we appeared on their sight.

In seconds we got upstairs and in our bedroom. Gio's smirk gave it away so quickly. He threw me on the bed, a squeal leaving my mouth as he jumped afterwards onto me. "You big baby" I whisper, wrapping my arms around him. His face was buried between my boobs, his arms wrapped around my middle and our legs tangled together. "Your big baby" he corrected, a smile lifting on his lips. "Mhm" I hummed, combing my fingers through his hair.

"I love you so much, baby" I kiss the side of his forehead, tightening my hold on him to show him how much I mean my words. "Not as much as I do. But I love you too, gorgeous~" he taunted, earning an airy laugh from me.

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