Michael Jackson

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Michael POV

I was doing my music video tonight here in New York City There's work to be done

Vanity POV

God why does he have to be so sexy my affection towards him was growing each and everyday

Michael got started on the video and the dancers they had a lot of fun doing it

An Hour Later

Michael POV

We are finally done now it's break time everyone did a great job we are flying back home in a week I couldn't wait to see everyone

Michael and the crew gathered their things heading back to the hotel for tonight to get some rest

A week later

Michael POV

Back home in sunny LA it so good to be home can't wait to see everyone

Michael Uber pulled up and he came back home to see his family Janet was really excited to see her brother after being gone for a month to film they were both very close

Janet gave Michael the biggest hug ever the love was real the whole family welcomed him home

Vanity on the other hand was going to be doing some relaxing for awhile and reading up on Michael

Vanity POV

I am going to be relaxing and reading up on Michael he's very interesting if I say so myself

Family was always important in the Jackson house hold no matter what

A few days later

Michael POV

I was doing some shopping around for my house that's being build I was excited to see it ...that's when I bumped into someone

Vanity POV

I was doing some shopping and I noticed Michael ahh he's so handsome

Michael: oh sorry about that

Vanity: it's alright

He helped her with her things and she adored him as he was helping her

Vanity: thank you

Michael: your welcome have a nice day

He smiled at her and went the other direction vanity couldn't do nothing but smile at the fact that he noticed her and was so sweet

Michael came up to fans took pictures with them and signed autographs the love he had for his fans he wouldn't be who is he today if it wasn't for them

A Day Later

Michael POV

I woke up it's already 10am I turned over giving myself a minute or two before getting out of bed

He didn't want to leave his bed but the family was coming over today for a bbq ...so he got up and got himself ready for today they haven't had a bbq in a long time and he was excited about it

The family were on their way there they already had the stuff ready for everyone to eat of course ....once Michael finished getting ready he came to sat up the table everyone wanted to be outside since it was a nice day out today

The family made it and came to take the out the children were ready to get into the pool because I'm a few days summer was going to be over and it'll be back to school for them all

Michael missed his nieces and nephews he hasn't seen them since he left for New York to do his video they gave him the biggest hug ever and he couldn't believe they are starting school already the summer time has definitely flown by and his birthday was only a few days away he knew everybody around the world would wish him a happy birthday he felt the love everyday from them and would give his all to his fans no matter what

Michael truly loved his mother he looked up to her a lot growing up she was the one keeping the family together when they were growing up

The 70's were the best years ever for the Jackson's things were more peaceful

The family were laughing and having a good time talking about the good old days with family and friends back in those days

Janet and Michael were just laughing like the old days just like any other siblings in the world they both inspired each other

A few days later

Michael POV

It's been a few days of relaxation and it's been very quiet lately which is nice I needed this little relaxation time I decided to get in the pool for a little bit and just relaxed

Michael enjoyed the quietness of his home surrounded by nature and trees ...the animals have been feed as well

Someone was talking about Michael and vanity was quick to shut them up nobody don't talk about the king ....they were so shocked when she spoke about it and they never said anything ever again

Michael of course did have haters but he didn't pay attention to it because he likes to spread peace and love into the world that's who he always have been since he was a teenager

He always wanted to help people around the world and he kept that promise since he was a little boy even got an award for it being the best humanitarian figure all around the world ....he loves his job on helping others and will continue on helping the people he loves

Vanity brought a magazine with Michael face on it and bought it she went to the page that he was on and read it while walking back to the house she loved reading about him

Michael came to the Libary to read a good book for a few minutes he loved reading and drawing which is also one of his other favorite hobbies to do as well

He read two books in an whole hour and then he came to make lunch for today because he was hungry after reading for a good hour ...

Then he watched the news he sad how people are treating the world and the children of the world it broke his heart to see it all he wanted to do was cry

After a long day he came to bed and ended his day for tonight

Next chapter is coming

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