☁️ { first interaction ] ☀️

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Greetings, anonymous country,

Hoping for anyone to receive this letter, I had been trying to test this about five times now and I do not know if this system would ever work again.

Please write back to the dove once you receive this, thank you. :)


Dear whoever-you-are,

I received the letter! Bold for you to assume immediately that I was a country :')

What type of lettering system is this? I can see the dove by my window, and the limited information you pulled out in that letter seemed like you're sending doves to deliver them or something? Sorry, might've asked too much.

Just so you know that I did received it, thank you.

(P.S.: Should I reveal myself? Sorry that I sound informal, not into this stuff yet. Also sorry for my poor English!)



Glad to hear the system actually works! But apologies for me assuming you were a country. Your English is good too don't worry!

Yes, I am actually testing out an anonymous penpal type of thing through doves since that's the fastest way I can think of, but I feel like this project wouldn't do that much justice. Glad to hear a response though, none of my letters responded other that yours.

You do not have to reveal yourself if you wanted to, this is just a silly thing I decided to do. But I guess I can't really hide my name now since I signed the first letter haha, no need to worry about formality since I do need a break from it anyway.

Can I just ask what region/continent are you from, well more on based because of your apology regarding your English. I just needed to see how far the dove reached, thanks again!


Oh! Yeah I am actually from Asia. Didn't expect a reply this fast sorry. To be specific, Southeast in fact.

I appreciate you sending this out of the blue, this seemed to be an interesting project you've been hosting to be fair, I thought this can be the case in the near future! Sorry for that rambling, but I actually have to stop sending these now since I need to go meet up with someone. Perhaps you can send one later and I can read it soon and I will actually write these letters formally, kind of. Oh, maybe you can introduce yourself in a way where you would not expose yourself as much? I do not know, I could just do one myself but then again I need to go.

Thanks for checking in though, this made my day. =>

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