Baking blindfolded

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"TODAY-" Nick slams his hand on the counter and continues, "Y/n is going to be baking a cake blindfolded." Matt puts a bunch of bandanas on the counter and looks at Y/n and asks "what one would you like?"

"The pink one!" Y/n smiles as Chris grabs it and wraps it around her head. He pretends to slap her, without touching her, and she doesn't move. "She can't see" Nick laughs, placing the cake mix, a bowl, and all the other ingredients on the counter.

Y/n opens the bag flawlessly and swiftly dumps the mix in the bowl. "OKAYYYYY" Chris yells going up behind her and shaking her shoulders "Chris! Your going to mess me up" she laughs, feeling around for the water that Nick pre-measured for her.

"Oh there it is" she says after dipping her whole hand in the water.

Matt laughs at her as she looks in the direction that she heard him from flipping him off, ending up flipping of the refrigerator. Chris starts laughing to the point where he's on the floor and Y/n screams "WHAT"

She sighs, picking up the water and pouring it into the bowl right infront of her as Chris is still on the floor laughing his ass off.

Y/n ignores him, which Nick finds amusing because he starts giggling. "Your all laughing now like what" she says putting her hands on her hips.

"Y/n heres the eggs" Matt says getting out 2 eggs from the fridge.

"Thank you" she says as she hears footsteps which are probably from Chris since he finally got up.

She cracks the eggs with one hand and lands them exactly in the middle of the bowl.

"Ok Gordon Ramsey." Nick laughs as Chris hands Y/n a whisk and Y/n starts stirring all the ingredients.

"I need a pan" Y/n says, turning her head to the side, surprisingly towards Matt "yes ma'am" he says saluting as he grabs a pan and the pam cooking spray.

"Here you go" Matt says taking the whisk from
Y/n and moving the pan infront of her.

"Cooking spray?" She asks as Chris hands it to her. She sprays the pan, getting some oil on the counter as Matt quickly comes over with a napkin to wipe it off.

She then puts the batter into the pan and sets it down on the counter "y'all still there?" She asks. "Huh?" Nick laughs "you guys went a little TOO quiet." Y/n laughs as Matt takes the pan from off the counter and puts it in the already pre heated oven. Chris takes the blindfold off and says to the camera "we'll be back for the taste test".

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