bloody painter x reader ( not good ending)

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( your pov )

I was walking from slenders office minding my business I was assigned to a mission with a pasta who I admire the one and only bloody painter I admit I have a little crush on him but I can't let him know I'm sure he has a crush on judge angel that b*tch I walk to his room knocking I hear glass jars moving and the door knob moves and the door opens I look and say " hey painter slender assign us to a mission " I see his eyes through his mask and he nods I smile and say " see you in 10 I'll tell more details about it on the way " he nods again and closes the door I sigh and head to my friends room I walk into Jane's room and sigh plopping on her bed she looks up from looking through her closet she chuckles and walks towards me and says " pumpkin what's wrong....boy trouble " I groan nodding turning over I sit up and say " like ughh I like him a lot but I'm sure he likes judge angel and he barely talks to me like he does with her it's annoying " she sighs sitting next to me saying " well have you try asking him quest-" I interrupt her " yes I have and nothing he just........shrugs!!! " I plob back she laughs and says " well try harder k on your mission " I sped sit up and say " your right because he has no choice but to talk to me " she nods I get up and rush out saying " thank you!!" She waves

( Skip time you go to the mission and y'all finish and is walking back your pov)

We just got done I look around trying to think of something to say and I got an idea I look at him and say " sooo what do you do for fun " he glance and wishpers " sketch " I secretly fist bump for making him talk we continue walking I then say " so are you and judge angel dating " he continued walking and finally said " yes we are and I love her very much " I felt something I felt before a long time ago I put on a fake smile and said " oh really I'm really happy for you make a great couple" he smiled I can tell because of he's eyes lifting he then says " thank you cp/n I hope you find someone too " after we return I ran straight to my room locking it ingoring Jane I slide done the door and started tearing up I start crying to the point I can't breathe I think to myself ' why did I ask it hurts more actually knowing I....I can't believe it my crush dating someone else I'm so stupid thinking I had a chance to confess in the mission ughh I'm so stupid ' I continue sobbing and I slowly get up walking to my nightstand I slowly reach in grabbing pills I take them until I collapse on the floor thinking about so much I did in my life so many who acted like they cared about me but really they didn't everyone who abuse me I slowly close my eyes while my mind slowly goes into another world that was until ej and Jane and nurse ann ran in and hurry me up and started getting everything out of my steam after awhile I open my eyes to see I'm in a hospital bed I slowly sit up and looked around and see Jane she looked at me and said " cp/n are you Oki " I nodd and she got up and say " I'll get you something to drink " after she left I get up grabbing a knife near by and slit my throat and stabbed myself I gasped for air falling I look up seeing Jane running and yelling I couldn't hear anything it was muffled I saw her crying and some others running in I smile and everything started going black I closed my eyes and stopped breathing after awhile I wake up but i wake up in a bright sky like there was a big gate I get up slowly walking to the gate I see figures I hear a voice " grandma, grandma, big sister/brother is here!!! " I look and saw my brother running towards me I run and bent down hugging him I see my grandma and grandpa I smile and got up hugging them they smile and grandpa said " took you long enough kiddo " I laughed and said " I know I'm here now gramps and grams and lil brother " we smiled and held each other hands and walked off to the gate my brother said " your going to love the food here.....I miss you " I smile and said " I miss you too " and then we disappeared

{ Heyy i got wifi back yeaaaaa so I know this ended.......bad butttt if you want a good ending please comment and I'll put a good ending also have a great day!!! }

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