Big Brother

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Margol was dreaming something nice, when a familiar cry sounded in the night. It was Grandpa Grake's human crying because of scary nightmares about a Witch. The sobs reduced to a sniffle as soon as Grandpa Grake's voice sounded, hushing his foundling.

Margol just drifted back off to sleep, when his atta's raised voice briefly broke through.

"I'm sorry, uncle! I'm sorry! How many times do I have to say it? If I could have done it differently, I would have done so! I am sorry that I believed her. It was hard not to, after what she showed me. And... maybe it really is the truth? We cannot know about it, can we? Because if what she told me is right, then... I have seen him respawn with my own eyes! That at least says that what she said about him is true."

"Shhh. Not so loud, child. And I'm not blaming you. Did I say anything?" Grandpa Grake's voice came sad.

"I'm sorry, uncle. I really only did what I thought was best. I... " Beor's voice came hushed this time, but so openly upset that even in half-sleep, Margol wondered what was the matter. It was probably because of the Human again. The sleepy small villager pouted, concerned and angry a little. Even though Grandpa Grake and his atta tried not to argue anymore, sometimes they still did, and it was usually about the little Human.

They paid so much more attention to him than to Margol and Tnul! The little villager jealously huffed and then stubbornly grasped his pillow and turned it so it covered his head. He wanted to go back to sleep!

The voices fell even lower and then the door of Hero's bedroom closed, entirely muffling the sound. Lifting up the corner of the pillow, Margol suspiciously listened, but heard only indistinct words that seemed calm as both his atta and grandpa Grake came to an agreement about something. Relieved that the argument smoothed over, Margol restored his pillow back to a more comfortable position and rested his head on it. He was asleep only moments later.


"Shhhh! Here he comes!" Margol whispered to his brother as both of them tried to stifle the giggles. Both of the children lay in the aromatic, gathered hay piled high to the rafters of their atta's barn. At the sound of the creaking door coming open, both children dived into the hay and held their breaths, doing their best to stay still. Margol peeked through stray pieces of straw sticking up and tickling his cheek at the small figure that appeared in the lit up doorway.

The small Human hesitated, his thin neck drawing forward as he mistrustfully swept the dark barn with his gaze. White eyes narrowed, brightening in the dark with faint glow that made the child's face seem ghostly pale.

Tnul couldn't help a small giggle before gulping in another breath and freezing once more. White eyes immediately pinning on their location, the strange little being stepped forward in small, unsure steps.

Margol waited a little longer, letting Hero get closer.

"Boo!" He sprung from the hay, bits of it exploding around his small figure and liberally covering his gown. Almost immediately, his brother jumped up, too, but too late – a stifled gasp sounded next to them and then the small Human's form darted out of the barn. Only the door remained slightly swinging back and forth.

"Boo!" Tnul repeated, late. Both children burst in open giggles, holding to their sides as they did so. Grandpa Grake's human was so easy to scare!

A thud came as of something falling outside followed by a small "Ow...". Margol's giggles dwindled as he turned and listened. A small whimper cut off their laughing entirely.

Margol hastily climbed out of the hay and ran to the door, followed by his younger brother. They found Hero's small form sprawled next to an overturned bucket and hoe. The little Human held on to his leg with both hands, his face scrunched up with his mouth open wide but no sound coming forth. Margol's eyes worriedly searched over him and settled on the long scratch across Hero's ankle, where bright red was already welling up.

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